Is there a function in excel that would allow me to replace the $2000 in the
formular below with the last row in the column contain values.
Somthing like this, in VBA:
errorWS_lastRow = errorWS.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
=SUMPRODUCT((Current_MarketList!$I$5:$I$2000<$T$5)*(Current_MarketList!$K$5:$K$2000="PAST DUE"))
formular below with the last row in the column contain values.
Somthing like this, in VBA:
errorWS_lastRow = errorWS.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
=SUMPRODUCT((Current_MarketList!$I$5:$I$2000<$T$5)*(Current_MarketList!$K$5:$K$2000="PAST DUE"))