Robbie Baquiran
This one's bothering me - any suggestions will be appreciated.
Below I am trying to explain the table layout - I'm only identifying the
fields which relate to each other...
intAID = Account ID
intAdID = Address ID
Ok so basically I have a main form - which is based off of tblAccount. Now
I am trying to add a subform of addresses related to the particular account.
Now since addresses and accounts are stored seperatly in their respective
tables, I am using utblAddress_Account to act as a sort of union. Since
accounts can be tied to many addresses.
So from a top down view of the form - I have an Account Form, then the Union
subform linked by intAID, then the Address subform linked by intAdID from
the Union subform. This works well if we are just going to change address
data that is already tied to an account. But if a new address need's to be
entered or added - I run into issues.
Since and Account ID already exists, the Union table get's intAID from the
link. But an address can't be added since there isn't an intAdID for it
Any ideas are greatly appreciated...
Thanks in Advance!
Below I am trying to explain the table layout - I'm only identifying the
fields which relate to each other...
intAID = Account ID
intAdID = Address ID
Ok so basically I have a main form - which is based off of tblAccount. Now
I am trying to add a subform of addresses related to the particular account.
Now since addresses and accounts are stored seperatly in their respective
tables, I am using utblAddress_Account to act as a sort of union. Since
accounts can be tied to many addresses.
So from a top down view of the form - I have an Account Form, then the Union
subform linked by intAID, then the Address subform linked by intAdID from
the Union subform. This works well if we are just going to change address
data that is already tied to an account. But if a new address need's to be
entered or added - I run into issues.
Since and Account ID already exists, the Union table get's intAID from the
link. But an address can't be added since there isn't an intAdID for it
Any ideas are greatly appreciated...
Thanks in Advance!