After Dustin's post I see your predicament--at least partially. You have
some error and you have a no boot Vista on your box. Since there is more
than one "registry error" I'm not sure which one you have, but it doesn't
make a tremendous amount of difference. Here are all your options:
If you've tried Startup Repair, try it again. Sometimes it take more than
one try. You can try Safe M<ode from the same link--sometimes it works when
it doesn't work from F8 in Vista. At F8 you have the option to use 4 safe
mode doors, one may work when the others don't and as Dustin points out LKG
(Last Known Good). LKG has the disadvantages that 1) It works as often as a
Hail Mary Pass from the opposite end zone works in the NFL 2) Say you have
not booted for 15 days--you're going to lose whatever you did to change that
OS as to shortcuts, downloads, hotfixes using LKG--with System Restore, in
contrast you might lose hotfixes since the lst restore point and shortcuts
since the last restore point, and often you don't despite what KBs and
Technet docs say is the rule.
You also have one other powerful tool available to you in Vista *if you have
a Vista DVD (MSFT works very hard to make sure that when you buy a new
computer you don't get one--except for Dell and the guy with an office on
the MSFT Redmond campus responsible is named Scott Di Valerio. Write ole
Scott and tell him "Hi to one of the most greedy and customer numb
individuals who works for MSFT." He's an accountant who could care less
about the end user experience and their ability to recover and none of the
thousands of Vista team members have the guts to stand up to his awful
All the resources you would need to do any of these are below:
If you have a Vista DVD try Startup Repair. If that doesn't work, try Safe
Mode>System Restore from the Recovery Environment, and you always have the
F8 advanced options and a repair install (with the DVD) as well.
***Startup Repair and System Restore from the Win Recovery Environment on
the DVD***
You can run Startup Repair by putting your Vista DVD in after the
language screen in setup. You can also run System Restore from the same
You run the startup repair tool this way (and system restore from here is
also sometimes effective):
How To Run Startup Repair In Vista Ultimate (Multiple Screenshots)
Note The computer must be configured to start from a CD or from a DVD. For
information about how to configure the computer to start from a CD or from a
DVD, see the information that came with the computer.
2. Restart the computer. To do this, click Start, click the arrow next to
the Lock button, and then click Restart.
This usually means that you enter bios setup by whatever key or keys
(sometimes there is more than one key that will do it for your model--go to
pc manufacturer site) and configure CD to be first in the boot order (this
will allow you to boot from the Vista DVD as well):
See for ref:
Access/Enter Motherboard BIOS
Boot Order in Bios (Set Boot from HD 1st)
Note If you cannot restart the computer by using this method, use the power
button to turn off the computer. Then, turn the computer back on.
3. Set your language preference, and then click Next.
Note In most cases, the startup repair process starts automatically, and you
do not have the option to select it in the System Recovery Options menu.
4. Click Repair your computer.
5. In the System Recovery Options dialog box, click the operating system
that you want to repair, and then click Next.
6. In the System Recovery Options menu, click Startup Repair to start the
repair process.
7. When the repair process is complete, click Finish.
Additional References for Startup Repair With Screenshots:
How to Use Startup Repair:
***Accessing Windows RE (Repair Environment):***
1) Insert Media into PC (the DVD you burned)
2) ***You will see on the Vista logo setup screen after lang. options in the
lower left corner, a link called "System Recovery Options."***
Screenshot: System Recovery Options (Lower Left Link)
Screenshot: (Click first option "Startup Repair"
How To Run Startup Repair In Vista Ultimate (Multiple Screenshots)
3) Select your OS for repair.
4) Its been my experience that you can see some causes of the crash from
theWin RE feature:
You'll have a choice there of using:
1) Startup Repair
2) System Restore
3) Complete PC Restore
***Using the F8 Environment or a Repair Install from the DVD:***
See for ref:
Access/Enter Motherboard BIOS
Boot Order in Bios (Set Boot from HD 1st)
Repair Install
Repair Install (Method 2):
III Taking Full Advantage of the F8 Options (Windows Advanced Options Menu)
by startin gth ePC and tapping F8 once per second:
You could also:
Think: I have 4 different ways to get back my XP at F8 and try 'em in order.
1) Safe Mode 2) Safe Mode with Cmd to Sys Restore which is simply a cmd
prompt in safe mode 3) Safe Mode with Neworking 4) LKG or Last Known Good
Try to F8 to the Windows Adv Options Menu>try 3 safe modes there (I don't
use WGA) and Last Known Good>then I go to Win RE in Vista. That gives you a
choice of Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking,and Safe Mode with Command
These methods are outlined in
A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP/and Vista
How to Use System Restore
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding System Restore from MSFT:
Using System Restore
System Restore for Windows XP
How to start the System Restore tool at a command prompt in Windows XP;en-us;304449
Repair Install: (This option has the best chance of succeeding and it
preserves everything in your OS--you do not lose anything with this option):
Make sure the DVD you have is a Vista DVD
Pitfalls: If the DVD came from friend or relative or P2P, you may have
problems. P2P besides being illlegal in many countries including the U.S.
can be corrupt. If CD came from friend or relative, they may have given
you the CD to use but if product key is in use, MSFT is not going to accept
it for activation. Make sure you clean the CD carefully using proper
cleaning fluid and strokes that radiate from center like spokes on a wheel.
Again a repair install has the most likely chance to succeed, but you need
to have an Vista DVD.
First, in order to do a Repair Install You must boot to the bios setup and
position booting from the "CD" first in the boot order--it probably will not
say DVD but might.
Booting to Bios Setup:
For 85% of PC's and all Dells you can tap the F2 key to reach bios setup.
How To Enable DVD/CD Rom Support (put CD boot first) in bios setup boot
Screen Shot of bios setup boot order:
Repair Install Does Not Lose Anything; you may need to try 2-3 times but
that's rare.
How To Repair Install
Screen Shot Repair Install
Good luck,