mike said:
i have a small network at home and I have set it up so all
the computers connect to the internet through one
computer. I have two printers hooked up to this computer
and would like to share then to the other computers on the
network, but none of the other computers can access the
shared printers or folders on this computer. I set the
printers as shared, does anyone know what I can do to
allow my other computers to access the printers?
I assume that you are running ICS on the gateway PC, and that
all client PCs are getting their IPAs from DHCP, but you should
check by running WINIPCFG on W9x or IPCONFIG/ALL on XP: for
IPA=a.b.c.d, a.b.c should (typically) be the same for all and
the d's should be unique.
Make sure all PCs have the same workgroup name, and that each
has a unique computer name.
Permanently disable ICF on all XP PCs, and temporarily disable
all other firewall software and all AV apps. It is tricky to
totally disable some of that stuff, and it may be necessary to
uninstall some.
It is usually best to only run TCP/IP and to run NetBIOS over
TCP/IP, so disable NetBEUI and IPX/SPX if they are enabled.
You need to have ClientForM$Nets and F&P Sharing enabled.
Next, create a non-root folder with a short simple foldername
and a short simple sharename, then try to map a net.drive from
each PC to each other PC's share. Always try to get file
sharing working before printer sharing, since file sharing
only requires M$ software (and a working network path), while
printer sharing depends on software from the printer vendors,
and some of those printer vendors are not very interested in
making sharing work for their products.
If you are still stuck, try PINGing. For each PC pair, try
ping-by-number in both directions, then try ping-by-name. If
ping-by-number works but ping-by-name fails, it indicates a
DNS problem, so compare the DNS settings of bad PCs with those
from good PCs.