I was hoping someone could help me get SetupInstallFromInfSection
working properly. I'm trying to start in install section in a driver
INF (hal.inf specifically). I'm doing this in C#, but I also tried it
in C++ with (MOSTLY) the same
parameters and got the same error, which is 1004 (Invalid Flags).
Here's my C# code that I'm using. Any help would be MOST appreciated.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;
namespace UIUHWScan.Classes
public class UpdateHAL
#region Constants
const int INF_STYLE_NONE = 0;
const int INF_STYLE_OLDNT = 1;
const int INF_STYLE_WIN4 = 2;
// Flags for SetupInstallFromInfSection
const uint SPINST_LOGCONFIG =0x00000001;
const uint SPINST_INIFILES = 0x00000002;
const uint SPINST_REGISTRY = 0x00000004;
const uint SPINST_INI2REG = 0x00000008;
const uint SPINST_FILES = 0x00000010;
const uint SPINST_BITREG = 0x00000020;
const uint SPINST_REGSVR = 0x00000040;
const uint SPINST_UNREGSVR = 0x00000080;
const uint SPINST_PROFILEITEMS = 0x00000100;
const uint SPINST_COPYINF = 0x00000200;
const uint SPINST_ALL = 0x000003ff;
const uint SPINST_SINGLESECTION = 0x00010000;
const uint SPINST_LOGCONFIG_IS_FORCED = 0x00020000;
const uint SPINST_LOGCONFIGS_ARE_OVERRIDES = 0x00040000;
const uint SPINST_DEVICEINSTALL = 0x00100000;
// CopyStyle values for copy and queue-related APIs
const uint SP_COPY_DELETESOURCE = 0x0000001; // delete
source file on successful copy
const uint SP_COPY_REPLACEONLY = 0x0000002; // copy only if
target file already present
const uint SP_COPY_NEWER = 0x0000004; // copy only if source
newer than or same as target
const uint SP_COPY_NOOVERWRITE = 0x0000008; // copy only if
target doesn't exist
const uint SP_COPY_NODECOMP = 0x0000010; // don't decompress
source file while copying
const uint SP_COPY_LANGUAGEAWARE = 0x0000020; // don't
overwrite file of different language
const uint SP_COPY_SOURCE_ABSOLUTE = 0x0000040; //
SourceFile is a full source path
const uint SP_COPY_SOURCEPATH_ABSOLUTE = 0x0000080; //
SourcePathRoot is the full path
const uint SP_COPY_IN_USE_NEEDS_REBOOT = 0x0000100; //
System needs reboot if file in use
const uint SP_COPY_FORCE_IN_USE = 0x0000200; // Force target-
in-use behavior
const uint SP_COPY_NOSKIP = 0x0000400; // Skip is disallowed
for this file or section
const uint SP_FLAG_CABINETCONTINUATION = 0x0000800; // Used
with need media notification
const uint SP_COPY_FORCE_NOOVERWRITE = 0x0001000; // like
NOOVERWRITE but no callback nofitication
const uint SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER = 0x0002000; // like NEWER
but no callback nofitication
const uint SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP = 0x0004000; // system
critical file: warn if user tries to skip
const uint SP_COPY_NOBROWSE = 0x0008000; // Browsing is
disallowed for this file or section
const uint SP_COPY_NEWER_ONLY = 0x0010000; // copy only if
source file newer than target
const uint SP_COPY_RESERVED = 0x0020000; // was:
const uint SP_COPY_OEMINF_CATALOG_ONLY = 0x0040000; //
(SetupCopyOEMInf only) don't copy INF--just catalog
const uint SP_COPY_REPLACE_BOOT_FILE = 0x0080000; // file
must be present upon reboot (i.e., it's
// needed by
the loader); this flag implies a reboot
const long HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002L;
// Operation/queue start/end notification. These are ordinal
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_STARTQUEUE =0x00000001;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_ENDQUEUE =0x00000002;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_STARTSUBQUEUE =0x00000003;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_ENDSUBQUEUE =0x00000004;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_STARTDELETE =0x00000005;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_ENDDELETE =0x00000006;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_DELETEERROR =0x00000007;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_STARTRENAME =0x00000008;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_ENDRENAME =0x00000009;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_RENAMEERROR =0x0000000a;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_STARTCOPY =0x0000000b;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_ENDCOPY =0x0000000c;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR =0x0000000d;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDMEDIA =0x0000000e;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_QUEUESCAN = 0x0000000f;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET = 0x00000011; // The
file has been extracted from the cabinet.
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDNEWCABINET = 0x00000012; // file
is encountered in the cabinet.
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_FILEEXTRACTED = 0x00000013; // The
current file is continued in the next cabinet.
const uint NO_ERROR = 0;
#region Delegates
public delegate uint PSP_FILE_CALLBACK(uint context, uint
IntPtr param1, IntPtr param2);
#region DLL Imports
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet =
private static extern bool SetupInstallFromInfSection(IntPtr
IntPtr infHandle, string sectionName, uint flags, IntPtr
IntPtr sourceRootPath, uint copyFlags, PSP_FILE_CALLBACK
ref uint context, IntPtr deviceInfoSet, IntPtr
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr SetupOpenInfFile(
string FileName,
IntPtr InfClass,
int InfStyle,
int ErrorLine
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void SetupCloseInfFile(
IntPtr InfHandle
/// <summary>
/// The FileCallback callback function is used by a number of
the setup functions. The PSP_FILE_CALLBACK type defines a pointer to
this callback function. FileCallback is a placeholder for the
application-defined function name.
/// Platform SDK: Setup API
/// </summary>
private uint CallBack(uint context, uint notification, IntPtr
param1, IntPtr param2)
uint rtnValue = NO_ERROR;
Console.WriteLine("CallBack: Context = {0}, Notifacation =
context, notification);
return rtnValue;
public bool InstallSection()
string windowsFolder =
string halINF = Path.Combine(windowsFolder, @"inf
IntPtr hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(halINF, IntPtr.Zero,
if (hInf == (IntPtr)(-1))
int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
Console.WriteLine("Invalid INF File: {0}", halINF);
return false;
string installSection = "E_ISA_UP_HAL";
bool iResult = false;
PSP_FILE_CALLBACK callback = new
uint context = 0;
SetupInstallFromInfSection(IntPtr.Zero, hInf,
IntPtr((int)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), IntPtr.Zero,
SP_COPY_FORCE_IN_USE, callback, ref context,
IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
if (!iResult)
int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
Console.WriteLine("Error : {0}",
return false;
return true;
working properly. I'm trying to start in install section in a driver
INF (hal.inf specifically). I'm doing this in C#, but I also tried it
in C++ with (MOSTLY) the same
parameters and got the same error, which is 1004 (Invalid Flags).
Here's my C# code that I'm using. Any help would be MOST appreciated.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO;
namespace UIUHWScan.Classes
public class UpdateHAL
#region Constants
const int INF_STYLE_NONE = 0;
const int INF_STYLE_OLDNT = 1;
const int INF_STYLE_WIN4 = 2;
// Flags for SetupInstallFromInfSection
const uint SPINST_LOGCONFIG =0x00000001;
const uint SPINST_INIFILES = 0x00000002;
const uint SPINST_REGISTRY = 0x00000004;
const uint SPINST_INI2REG = 0x00000008;
const uint SPINST_FILES = 0x00000010;
const uint SPINST_BITREG = 0x00000020;
const uint SPINST_REGSVR = 0x00000040;
const uint SPINST_UNREGSVR = 0x00000080;
const uint SPINST_PROFILEITEMS = 0x00000100;
const uint SPINST_COPYINF = 0x00000200;
const uint SPINST_ALL = 0x000003ff;
const uint SPINST_SINGLESECTION = 0x00010000;
const uint SPINST_LOGCONFIG_IS_FORCED = 0x00020000;
const uint SPINST_LOGCONFIGS_ARE_OVERRIDES = 0x00040000;
const uint SPINST_DEVICEINSTALL = 0x00100000;
// CopyStyle values for copy and queue-related APIs
const uint SP_COPY_DELETESOURCE = 0x0000001; // delete
source file on successful copy
const uint SP_COPY_REPLACEONLY = 0x0000002; // copy only if
target file already present
const uint SP_COPY_NEWER = 0x0000004; // copy only if source
newer than or same as target
const uint SP_COPY_NOOVERWRITE = 0x0000008; // copy only if
target doesn't exist
const uint SP_COPY_NODECOMP = 0x0000010; // don't decompress
source file while copying
const uint SP_COPY_LANGUAGEAWARE = 0x0000020; // don't
overwrite file of different language
const uint SP_COPY_SOURCE_ABSOLUTE = 0x0000040; //
SourceFile is a full source path
const uint SP_COPY_SOURCEPATH_ABSOLUTE = 0x0000080; //
SourcePathRoot is the full path
const uint SP_COPY_IN_USE_NEEDS_REBOOT = 0x0000100; //
System needs reboot if file in use
const uint SP_COPY_FORCE_IN_USE = 0x0000200; // Force target-
in-use behavior
const uint SP_COPY_NOSKIP = 0x0000400; // Skip is disallowed
for this file or section
const uint SP_FLAG_CABINETCONTINUATION = 0x0000800; // Used
with need media notification
const uint SP_COPY_FORCE_NOOVERWRITE = 0x0001000; // like
NOOVERWRITE but no callback nofitication
const uint SP_COPY_FORCE_NEWER = 0x0002000; // like NEWER
but no callback nofitication
const uint SP_COPY_WARNIFSKIP = 0x0004000; // system
critical file: warn if user tries to skip
const uint SP_COPY_NOBROWSE = 0x0008000; // Browsing is
disallowed for this file or section
const uint SP_COPY_NEWER_ONLY = 0x0010000; // copy only if
source file newer than target
const uint SP_COPY_RESERVED = 0x0020000; // was:
const uint SP_COPY_OEMINF_CATALOG_ONLY = 0x0040000; //
(SetupCopyOEMInf only) don't copy INF--just catalog
const uint SP_COPY_REPLACE_BOOT_FILE = 0x0080000; // file
must be present upon reboot (i.e., it's
// needed by
the loader); this flag implies a reboot
const long HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002L;
// Operation/queue start/end notification. These are ordinal
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_STARTQUEUE =0x00000001;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_ENDQUEUE =0x00000002;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_STARTSUBQUEUE =0x00000003;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_ENDSUBQUEUE =0x00000004;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_STARTDELETE =0x00000005;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_ENDDELETE =0x00000006;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_DELETEERROR =0x00000007;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_STARTRENAME =0x00000008;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_ENDRENAME =0x00000009;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_RENAMEERROR =0x0000000a;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_STARTCOPY =0x0000000b;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_ENDCOPY =0x0000000c;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR =0x0000000d;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDMEDIA =0x0000000e;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_QUEUESCAN = 0x0000000f;
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET = 0x00000011; // The
file has been extracted from the cabinet.
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDNEWCABINET = 0x00000012; // file
is encountered in the cabinet.
const uint SPFILENOTIFY_FILEEXTRACTED = 0x00000013; // The
current file is continued in the next cabinet.
const uint NO_ERROR = 0;
#region Delegates
public delegate uint PSP_FILE_CALLBACK(uint context, uint
IntPtr param1, IntPtr param2);
#region DLL Imports
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet =
private static extern bool SetupInstallFromInfSection(IntPtr
IntPtr infHandle, string sectionName, uint flags, IntPtr
IntPtr sourceRootPath, uint copyFlags, PSP_FILE_CALLBACK
ref uint context, IntPtr deviceInfoSet, IntPtr
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern IntPtr SetupOpenInfFile(
string FileName,
IntPtr InfClass,
int InfStyle,
int ErrorLine
[DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern void SetupCloseInfFile(
IntPtr InfHandle
/// <summary>
/// The FileCallback callback function is used by a number of
the setup functions. The PSP_FILE_CALLBACK type defines a pointer to
this callback function. FileCallback is a placeholder for the
application-defined function name.
/// Platform SDK: Setup API
/// </summary>
private uint CallBack(uint context, uint notification, IntPtr
param1, IntPtr param2)
uint rtnValue = NO_ERROR;
Console.WriteLine("CallBack: Context = {0}, Notifacation =
context, notification);
return rtnValue;
public bool InstallSection()
string windowsFolder =
string halINF = Path.Combine(windowsFolder, @"inf
IntPtr hInf = SetupOpenInfFile(halINF, IntPtr.Zero,
if (hInf == (IntPtr)(-1))
int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
Console.WriteLine("Invalid INF File: {0}", halINF);
return false;
string installSection = "E_ISA_UP_HAL";
bool iResult = false;
PSP_FILE_CALLBACK callback = new
uint context = 0;
SetupInstallFromInfSection(IntPtr.Zero, hInf,
IntPtr((int)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE), IntPtr.Zero,
SP_COPY_FORCE_IN_USE, callback, ref context,
IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
if (!iResult)
int err = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
Console.WriteLine("Error : {0}",
return false;
return true;