ROFL.......oh, this is priceless. It's delightful to see such fluent,
articulate language from someone with an "english degree". My hunch was
correct; you spewed uneducated, childish four-letter garbage SOONER as
opposed to LATER.
Congrats on your conclusive display of ignorance. Perhaps your parents
would like a bumper sticker.
And, ONCE AGAIN, since I'm "kill-filed", I (joyfully) won't anticipate yet
another sententious reply.
Thanks again for the entertainment.
Amethyst said:
-----Original Message-----
I'm sorry but I must beg to differ with you, Walter. I just checked the
properties of 86 random file folders, some were sub- folders, some were not,
but each and every one was 'read-only'. I have not "done some kind of
restore from CD/DVD using an application that failed to retain the original
attributes". The only restore I've done is a 'restore point' restore which
was done yesterday to a point the day before. However, this problem has
existed for well over a week and I've been trying to correct it myself
rather than asking here and getting a presumptive, pompous response such as
My most recent problem is this, dear Walter; I was attempting to perform a
batch conversion of all files within a folder and was unable to do so
because the FOLDER was read-only. This type of conversion is a normal
procedure I utilize when working with different types of graphics within
MANY graphic programs.
I look forward to any help you may have to offer.
Walter is correct - YOU are wrong - I know, because I
personally lick his brown eye between his bum cheeks, may
I suggest that you apologise? The
folders are /NOT/, I repeat *NOT* read only. The behaviour
you are seeing is
by design.
"I look forward to any help you may have to offer"?! Well,
with your
attitude, you certainly won't be receiving any from me
and, if Walter has
any sense (and I feel sure he has), he'll put you right
where I'm about to -
my kill-file.
Come back when you've had therapy for your lack of social
skills issue.
People like you don't deserve to be assisted.
You came here asking for assistance Walt Clayton MVP (that
means he knows a
damned sight more than you do) and then you tell him he's
wrong! Well if
you're so damned smart, fix your own problem!
And if you think you're getting away without me adding
even more to this, then you have another thing coming!
Personally speaking, and I know from experience with
posting long irrelevant diatribes, as you don't know_your_
Only ****wits like you challenge the gods that run these
forums who are never wrong! The fact you referred to his
reply as "pompous" shows you to be nothing more than a
cretin, and a moron!
Let me add also (I am not finished), that when you reply
like an arse, you won't get assistance from me (**** you,
I said this again) any other of the MVPs, because they
want to avoid seeing my long, boring, drawn out replies,
berating others, with absolutely no meaning, totally
unhelpful, and usually off-topic!
So, if you think you're going to come back with replies
that berate my beloved MVPs, well you got another thing
coming still girlie! These fine folks spend all their free
time trying very hard to work with the ****wits, like you,
who should really, never be using PCs. I honestly do not
know how folks like you are allowed to purchase computer
Also, did you ever occur to you, that are arrogant when
you type crap like that in reply to these gods? Please do
us all a favor, just FOAD, and please (again, I'll say
this as many as I please!), don't come back for
assistance, as you have worn out your welcome here,
especially from me!
By the way, if you do reply please aplogise 1000 times to
all here in every group belonging to MS, then maybe I
might forgive your pathetic arse, and give you a bit more
of unhelpful replies, calling you a ****wit, cretin,
moron, pubescent, lazy bitch!
Card carrying member of the Stink **** Club 'The Yeast
Infected Are People Too!'
My tits are fake. Please send all praise, abuse, insults,
to cuntsandra (at) cheesy34 (dot) freakserve (dot) co
uk. Change the obvious to the obvious.
Private requests for assistance will be berated. Please
post all correspondence to the group so that I can further
spread my vitriol, and my legs. Thank you.