mary cox
Table: characters
charID int
name string
playerID int
Table: sightings
charID int
time timestamp
I listed the parts of my db that seem necessary to construct the queries
I'm trying to figure out. There are actually 3 of them:
1. generate a comparison of two specific characters, showing the number
of times that they have been sighted at the same time. I think I have this
one, but please let me know if this is a poor way to do it:
select count(*) from sightings s1, sightings s2
where (s1.charID = (select charID from characters where name = 'bob')) and
(s2.charID = (select charID from characters where name = 'jane'))
and (s1.time = s2.time)
2. generate a list of all characters that have NEVER been seen at the same
time as a specific character. The list should show the character names and
the total number of times each has ever been sighted, ordered by that count
of sightings (descending).
bob is the specified character.
jane has never been seen at the same time as bob.
jane has been seen a total of 18 times.
jack has never been seen at the same time as bob.
jack has been seen a total of 7 times.
sue has been seen at least once at the same time as bob.
sue has been seen a total of 5 times.
jane 18
jack 7
3. the same as number 2 except it's a list of all characters that have
been sighted at the same time as a specified character AND none of the other
characters with the same playerID have been seen at the same time as the
specified character either.
same as number 2 except sue and jack have the same playerID
jane 18
I'm running these queries on an access db so far, but may end up porting
to msde or mysql. So I'm hoping there's a generic way to write these
work on other engines.
Thanks in advance,
John Cox
charID int
name string
playerID int
Table: sightings
charID int
time timestamp
I listed the parts of my db that seem necessary to construct the queries
I'm trying to figure out. There are actually 3 of them:
1. generate a comparison of two specific characters, showing the number
of times that they have been sighted at the same time. I think I have this
one, but please let me know if this is a poor way to do it:
select count(*) from sightings s1, sightings s2
where (s1.charID = (select charID from characters where name = 'bob')) and
(s2.charID = (select charID from characters where name = 'jane'))
and (s1.time = s2.time)
2. generate a list of all characters that have NEVER been seen at the same
time as a specific character. The list should show the character names and
the total number of times each has ever been sighted, ordered by that count
of sightings (descending).
bob is the specified character.
jane has never been seen at the same time as bob.
jane has been seen a total of 18 times.
jack has never been seen at the same time as bob.
jack has been seen a total of 7 times.
sue has been seen at least once at the same time as bob.
sue has been seen a total of 5 times.
jane 18
jack 7
3. the same as number 2 except it's a list of all characters that have
been sighted at the same time as a specified character AND none of the other
characters with the same playerID have been seen at the same time as the
specified character either.
same as number 2 except sue and jack have the same playerID
jane 18
I'm running these queries on an access db so far, but may end up porting
to msde or mysql. So I'm hoping there's a generic way to write these
work on other engines.
Thanks in advance,
John Cox