I'm having some difficulty searching a set of rows in a DataRow collection..
This is my question
What would be an efficient way to search any column of an DataRow array
Let me try to explain the context of this question, that will help you understand what I'm looking for..
Assume that I have a collection of rows that came out of a statement like this
dim myRows() as DataRow = myTable.Select("any query"
Now that I have this array of rows, I need to find an specific row that matches certain criteria..
For example, "name = Joe"..
If I look at the available options from intellisense when I type "myRows.", I cannot find any function or method that I can call and pass my further search query for a field "name" that contains "Joe"..
With this scenario in mind, my real problem does not allow me to pass to the "myTable" DataTable one select command already containing "name = 'Joe'" because I don't have access to the DataTable
This portion of the code receives rows, and can only deal with them, not with the original datatable
Back to the question
What would be an efficient way to search any column of an DataRow array
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide
I'm having some difficulty searching a set of rows in a DataRow collection..
This is my question
What would be an efficient way to search any column of an DataRow array
Let me try to explain the context of this question, that will help you understand what I'm looking for..
Assume that I have a collection of rows that came out of a statement like this
dim myRows() as DataRow = myTable.Select("any query"
Now that I have this array of rows, I need to find an specific row that matches certain criteria..
For example, "name = Joe"..
If I look at the available options from intellisense when I type "myRows.", I cannot find any function or method that I can call and pass my further search query for a field "name" that contains "Joe"..
With this scenario in mind, my real problem does not allow me to pass to the "myTable" DataTable one select command already containing "name = 'Joe'" because I don't have access to the DataTable
This portion of the code receives rows, and can only deal with them, not with the original datatable
Back to the question
What would be an efficient way to search any column of an DataRow array
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide