For anyone reading this chain and went to the referenced blog,
you found a reference to an "elevated command prompt". If this phrase was
new to you as it was to me, this is not accessed from the "Run..." Start
menu link. If you are running in the Classic mode, then, from the Start
button, the path is Programs...Accessories...Command Prompt. With the
cursor over the Command Prompt link, press the right mouse button and use
the "Run as administrator" function or else the command you enter will tell
you that you do not have permission (Yea, Microsoft). -----Has anyone
noticed that the Help and Support function is more of a "What is" rather
than a "How to"!
Jill, if your still with me, I ran your "vssadmin list shadowstorage".
Mine basically said, Used 5 GB, Allocated space 6 GB, and Max space 35 GB.
I can see that the 35 GB is the 15% you mentioned. But, only 6 GB is
Allocated? Microsoft keeps the system backup a "Microsoft thing", but only
allocates 6 GB for it?
A funny anecdote: Long, long ago, in a land far, far away...back in the
days when hard drives were 10 and 20 MB (YES, Mega), I had bought a 60 MB
and everyone told me, "You'll never use all THAT space!"
I don't suppose the "shadowstorage" area is Administrator adjustable (I mean
on the HP model). I know, dumb question. I'm just a stupid user.
By-the-by, thanks for the feedback on the "good questions". But, as a
former boss of mine used to tell me, "That will never happen, because it
makes to much sense".
Keep makes them worry!