Help with Report



Good morning,

I have designed a report for recruiting and my boss wants me to make some
changes to it and I am lost as to how to go about it. The report is based on
a querie that I have designed. Here are the fields I have right now:

Name, Position, Interview (check box), Interview Date, # of Interviews,
Interviewer, #1 (which is a number field), Interviewer, #2 (which is a number
field), Interviewer, #3 (which is a number field), Interviewer, #4 (which is
a number field), Interviewer, #5 (which is a number field), No interest
(check box), Verbal Offer (check box), Offer Mailed (check Box), Accepted
(check box), declined (check box) and Comments.

Right now I have it sorted by Interview Date and in desending order based on
Name. Also there is a parameter set so that I can pull up only those
interviews that happened during a given time frame.

What my boss would like is for us to do is to pull up the report based on a
given time frame and have it filtered so that you can see who all has had
verbal offers, who has had offers mailed, who has accepted our offers and who
has declined our offers. He would like to have the ones that have the check
box (No) checked not show up on the report.

I was trying to figure out the best way to go about this. I am so unfamiliar
with Access that I am at a complete loss and I have to have this completed by
the end of the day.

Thanks for any and all help that you can give. I truly appreciate it.



What purpose does Interview (check box) serve?

I recommend changing your structure to two tables.
Interviewee –
IntvieweeID – autonumber – primary key
LName – text
FName – text
Position – text
Status – number – integer – 0- Awaiting, 1- Verbal Offer, 2- No interest, 3-
Offer Mailed, 4- Accepted, 5- Declined, 6- Counter Offer, 7- Etc
Comments memo

Interview –
IntviewID – autonumber – primary key
IntvieweeID – number – long integer - foreign key
Interview Date - DateTime
Interviewer – text
Interviewer# - number – integer
Remarks – memo



Thanks for your response. The Interview (check box) serves as a way of saying
that 'yes, they want an interview'.

How do I create a report based on those two tables?

KARL said:
What purpose does Interview (check box) serve?

I recommend changing your structure to two tables.
Interviewee –
IntvieweeID – autonumber – primary key
LName – text
FName – text
Position – text
Status – number – integer – 0- Awaiting, 1- Verbal Offer, 2- No interest, 3-
Offer Mailed, 4- Accepted, 5- Declined, 6- Counter Offer, 7- Etc
Comments memo

Interview –
IntviewID – autonumber – primary key
IntvieweeID – number – long integer - foreign key
Interview Date - DateTime
Interviewer – text
Interviewer# - number – integer
Remarks – memo
Good morning,
[quoted text clipped - 26 lines]


I left out one other table you need --
Status --
StatusNum – number – integer
Status - text --– 0- Awaiting, 1- Verbal Offer, 2- No interest, 3-
Offer Mailed, 4- Accepted, 5- Declined, 6- Counter Offer, 7- Etc

Also set the default of Status field in the Interviewee table to zero.

Create a query joining the two tables on IntvieweeID. Use the query with
form/subform for data entry - Intviewee - Intview. Use a listbox to select
the status from the status table.

For a report use the same query but add left join to the status table. Add
criteria such as needed for latest interview, pending, completed/closed, or
however you want to report.
Build a little - Test a little

ravynfaire said:

Thanks for your response. The Interview (check box) serves as a way of saying
that 'yes, they want an interview'.

How do I create a report based on those two tables?

KARL said:
What purpose does Interview (check box) serve?

I recommend changing your structure to two tables.
Interviewee –
IntvieweeID – autonumber – primary key
LName – text
FName – text
Position – text
Status – number – integer – 0- Awaiting, 1- Verbal Offer, 2- No interest, 3-
Offer Mailed, 4- Accepted, 5- Declined, 6- Counter Offer, 7- Etc
Comments memo

Interview –
IntviewID – autonumber – primary key
IntvieweeID – number – long integer - foreign key
Interview Date - DateTime
Interviewer – text
Interviewer# - number – integer
Remarks – memo
Good morning,
[quoted text clipped - 26 lines]

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