I need some help with a reg. expression. I have a comma delimited file with
quotes. Not every field has quotes, only some. This is a sample of my file:
I used some code from an article that I though would do what I needed, but
it splits my amount fields(76,000 into two different fields : 76, and 000...
Do I change my pattern ? I never used regex before and need some help. thank
I need some help with a reg. expression. I have a comma delimited file with
quotes. Not every field has quotes, only some. This is a sample of my file:
I used some code from an article that I though would do what I needed, but
it splits my amount fields(76,000 into two different fields : 76, and 000...
Do I change my pattern ? I never used regex before and need some help. thank
Dim re As Object = SplitAdv(sr.ReadToEnd)
Function SplitAdv(ByVal strInput)
Dim objRE
Dim pattern As String
pattern = ",(?=([^']*'[^']*')*(?![^']*'))"
objRE = New Regex(pattern)
' .Replace replaces the comma that we will use with
' chr(8), the \b character which is extremely unlikely
' to appear in any string it then splits the line into
' an array based on the \b
SplitAdv = Split(objRE.Replace(strInput, "\b"), "\b")
End Function