Help with prepare statement during an Insert



Hi all,
I'm trying to do an insert using MySQL OleDb Provider.
I'd like to use the prepare() method of OleDbCommand class
to precompile the statement.
The problem is that when I issue prepare() I get an error
"OleDbCommand.Prepare requires all parameters to have an explicitly set

I have checked the parameters and it seems to me that I didn't forget
anything....anybody can help me ?
Thanks a lot
here's my code:

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection con;
con=new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("");
Source=fad;Password=admin;User ID=admin";

OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(null,con);

cmd.CommandText = "INSERT into ANAGRAFICA (ANAG_RS," +
"ANAG_CF," +
" values ( " +
"@ANAG_RS," +
"@ANAG_CF," +
"@ANAG_CAP," +

cmd.Parameters.Add("@ANAG_RS" ,this.textRS.Text);
cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ANAG_INDIRIZZO" ,this.textIndirizzo.Text);

cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ANAG_CF" ,this.textCF.Text);
cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ANAG_CAP" , this.textCap.Text);
cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ANAG_EMAIL" , this.textMail.Text);
cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ANAG_RIFERIMENTO", this.textRiferimento.Text);

cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ANAG_PHONE1", this.textTelefono1.Text);
cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ANAG_PHONE2", this.textTelefono2.Text);
cmd.Prepare ( );
cmd.ExecuteNonQuery ( );

Ollie Riches

you haven't set the parameter types when adding the parameters into the
collection, just as the exception says.


myParamCollection.Add("CustomerID", OleDbType.VarChar)


Ollie Riches

Nick Malik [Microsoft]

Hi all,
I'm trying to do an insert using MySQL OleDb Provider.
I'd like to use the prepare() method of OleDbCommand class
to precompile the statement.
The problem is that when I issue prepare() I get an error
"OleDbCommand.Prepare requires all parameters to have an explicitly set

I have checked the parameters and it seems to me that I didn't forget
anything....anybody can help me ?
Thanks a lot
here's my code:
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ANAG_RS" ,this.textRS.Text);
cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ANAG_INDIRIZZO" ,this.textIndirizzo.Text);

You didn't provide a single OleDb data type on your cmd.Parameters.Add call.

I'd expect these lines to read:
cmd.Parameters.Add("@ANAG_RS" ,OleDbType.VarChar, this.textRS.Text.Length,
cmd.Parameters.Add ("@ANAG_INDIRIZZO"
,OleDbType.VarChar,this.textIndirizzo.Text.Length, this.textIndirizzo.Text);

--- Nick Malik [Microsoft]
MCSD, CFPS, Certified Scrummaster

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this forum are my own, and not
representative of my employer.
I do not answer questions on behalf of my employer. I'm just a
programmer helping programmers.

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