hey all
i need to convert an unmanaged c++ dll and header to c#, ive done the header
structures but having problems with pinvoke signatures
method 1:
typedef int (_stdcall *pOmniConnect) (char * IpAddress,
unsigned int Port,
unsigned int Timeout,
unsigned char EncryptionKey[16],
HWND NotifyWindow);
IpAddress - ip as ascii string
Port - udp port as int
Timeout - in seconds 0-60
EncryptionKey - 16 byte binary of encryption key. formed from 2, 8 byte hex
inputs as a single 16 byte binary
NotifyWindow - window handle that gets reponses
ive converted that into
[DllImport("HAI_NetLib.dll", EntryPoint="_OmniConnect")]
private static extern int OmniConnect([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
string ipAddress, int port, int timeOut, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
Byte encryptionKey, IntPtr hwnd);
when i test it i get
'the exception unknown software exception (0x0eedfade) occurred in the
application at location 0x77e649d3.'
ive tried changing UnmanagedType and even tried StringBuilder ipAddress, but
doesnt seem to work.
any ideas?
i need to convert an unmanaged c++ dll and header to c#, ive done the header
structures but having problems with pinvoke signatures
method 1:
typedef int (_stdcall *pOmniConnect) (char * IpAddress,
unsigned int Port,
unsigned int Timeout,
unsigned char EncryptionKey[16],
HWND NotifyWindow);
IpAddress - ip as ascii string
Port - udp port as int
Timeout - in seconds 0-60
EncryptionKey - 16 byte binary of encryption key. formed from 2, 8 byte hex
inputs as a single 16 byte binary
NotifyWindow - window handle that gets reponses
ive converted that into
[DllImport("HAI_NetLib.dll", EntryPoint="_OmniConnect")]
private static extern int OmniConnect([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
string ipAddress, int port, int timeOut, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
Byte encryptionKey, IntPtr hwnd);
when i test it i get
'the exception unknown software exception (0x0eedfade) occurred in the
application at location 0x77e649d3.'
ive tried changing UnmanagedType and even tried StringBuilder ipAddress, but
doesnt seem to work.
any ideas?