HELP with Org chart editing



We have approx. 60 organizational charts that need to be
updated. They were created using some PowerPoint 2000,
some Word 2000. We are using XP now. After reading
through the posts, I've turned 'off' Automatic Layout for
Inserted Objects, I've changed borders back to 1pt. Still
having problems with point size changing... some of the
connectors are elbows instead of straight lines... can't
get the boxes to be a consistent size... boxes are
overlaying boxes and I can't move them...

Can someone please help? I've already spent hours just
on two charts and I'm frustrated beyond belief. I read
with interest the post about using the Drawing tools, but
I really don't want to recreate all of these charts!

Is there an add-in that will make this less painful?
Would upgrading to 2003 be an answer? I'm open to any and
all suggestions!

Thanks, but still sweating,

Echo S

PPT 2003 will probably act like PPT 2002 (aka PPT XP) wrt the Org Chart
behavior, so I don't think an upgrade is the answer to this problem.

You might have better luck manipulating the charts (without having to
totally recreate all of them) by selecting the Org Chart placeholder border,
copying the Org Chart, then using Edit/Paste Special. Select to paste as a
Picture (Enhanced Metafile). Then select that and use Draw/Ungroup. You'll
have to ungroup twice, actually, but then all the pieces will be drawing
objects which you can manipulate.

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