Help with Office Professional 2000



I just loaded XP on my machine (had Millenium Edition) I used Office
Professional 2000 and it now takes Microsoft Word for ever to come up. Is
Office Professional 2000 not really compatible with XP, or do I just need to
reload the disk?

Thank You

Jim Macklin

It is fully compatible, even Office 97 works fine. Reload/
repair Office...see the Help menu

|I just loaded XP on my machine (had Millenium Edition) I
used Office
| Professional 2000 and it now takes Microsoft Word for ever
to come up. Is
| Office Professional 2000 not really compatible with XP, or
do I just need to
| reload the disk?
| Thank You
| --
| JEFFREY S.........

Colin Barnhorst

And defrag the hard drive. Installations leave the hard drive pretty

Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)

I have been running Norton Utilities (or Norton Systemworks) along with
Office 95, 97, 2000, XP, and now 2003). I have never seen any problems or

What are you driving at John? Is there something I don't know of, or have
escaped the consequences of?


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


I just have an aversion to Norton products (through experience), have found
that many of their AV products in the earlier stages appeared to operate on
a learning curve, fine for 3-6 months, then suddenly decide they'll check
various programs - even Word docs which took up to 30 secs to open, then it
did the same thing when you closed the doc. I don't know if they've changed
the programmimg recently, but it was enouh to turn me off them completely.
Also, those earlier programs (& I.m only talking about ~ 3 years ago) could
be shut down via Device Manager, but there were still parts of it stilll
running in the background.
Sorry, but I found that slightly intrusive which made fault-finding slightly
more difficult as it used to cause a gradual system slowdown over a period
of time.

(Crustier (-: older B@stard ) aka johnf

ps. would like to hear your comments, Dick.

Crusty \(-: Old B@stard :-\)


Seeing as how I am having no problems I can rest easier. Not going to search
for what doesn't exist (-:


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Neither would I; if it aint broke----
But if you have inexplitical problems later on, that's the first place to
look .


I delJohnf
I did the defrag on my machine and also reloaded Office 200, as well as
upgraded to a trial Office 2003 and Word is still not coming up. Should I
detlete Nortona nd reinstall the anti virus?

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