Hi all, hoping you can help me out here. I've only JUST started usin
Access and I've been set the challenge of creating a simple music albu
One of the requirements is that it should be able to add up the numbe
of tracks on each album. This is what i'm stuck on. At the moment
have all the track names in one row (see attachment pic) and I don'
know if i'm able to add them up like that? I know that I'd be able t
easily add them all up if I put them all in the same column but I hav
no idea how I would do that.
Any help is much appreciated! Thanks
| Attachment filename: scrnshot.jpg
|Download attachment: http://www.MSAccessForum.com.com/forums/attachment.php?postid=217428
Access and I've been set the challenge of creating a simple music albu
One of the requirements is that it should be able to add up the numbe
of tracks on each album. This is what i'm stuck on. At the moment
have all the track names in one row (see attachment pic) and I don'
know if i'm able to add them up like that? I know that I'd be able t
easily add them all up if I put them all in the same column but I hav
no idea how I would do that.
Any help is much appreciated! Thanks
| Attachment filename: scrnshot.jpg
|Download attachment: http://www.MSAccessForum.com.com/forums/attachment.php?postid=217428