Help with multiple charts

  • Thread starter Thread starter ~lexy~
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I work in a Doctors surgery and I'm creating a Spread Sheet for a selec
number of patients to monitor their blood results.
I need about 30 charts on each patients sheet, To save me doing eac
one seperately I have tryed to copy and paste them in to the nex
patients details.... But all the charts refer to the previous patient
details. Is there anyway of copying them so that they relate to th
sheet they are copied in to?

Thanx :confused: :confused:

Alexandra Huckerby (fustrated and tired!!
Hi Alexandra
What you need to copy is the entire sheet rather than the chart. If yo
copy a chart from Sheet 1 to sheet 2, the data series ref in the char
will refer to Sheet1 (this is your problem). But if you copied Sheet
to Sheet 1(2) (that is the whole sheet) by using Ctrl and drag on th
tab - this is the default name that Excel uses for the new sheet - the
the chart on Sheet 1(2) will refer also to the data on sheet 1(2) not o
sheet 1.

This is how I would do it:
1) Assuming you have 20 sheets named patient 1 to patient 20 and al
the data is the same size and shape table on each sheet.
2) Get the charts and data 100% correct on sheet Patient 1.
3) Copy Patient 1 by ctrl+drag on the tab to become Patient1(2) - yo
now have a graph on Patient1(2) referring to the data on the SAM
sheet. Eventually this sheet will become patient 2.
4) Go to sheet Patient 2 and copy the data table
5) Go to sheet Patient 1(2) and paste the data table (now you see wh
it has to be the same size and shape table). Your graph on Patient1(2
will update to the new data you've just pasted.
6) Rename Patient 2 to Patient 2 Old (or delete it if you are confiden
to do so)
7) Rename Patient 1(2) to Patient 2. (to rename a sheet, right-click o
the tab and select rename). Patient 2 is complete.
8) repeat for the other sheets 3-20

Sounds long winded but if the data for all 30 graphs is in the sam
table, all 30 graphs will be updated when you paste the new data in an
it will save a lot of time. If you had 20 patients - that's 60
graphs! My method is 20 data tables only.

Dont be frustrated and tired, go and have a beer! ;)

Good luck