I use two computers , both employing Mcafee VirusScan
as their basic line of defense . I have had a recurring
problem which is driving me bonkers .
Both machine are HP and run off the same wireless
modem .
One machine runs Windows ME and the other runs
Windows 98 S/E . This is the machine I am having trouble
with and as much as I would love to switch it to XP ,
it would be cheaper to buy a new machine . Except for
this irritating problem , everything else works fine .
Here is the problem : every time I run the full load of VirusScan
options ( there are 5 ) I very quickly receive the following
error warning - MGHTML . It is preceded by the
windows flag and instructs me to call MS if the problem
persists . I have run VirusScan using only one option at a
time and it always shows no viri or unwanted programs .
I keep both my machines updated with all the patches
MS keeps zinging my way , but none have addressed
this issue .
By the way , when I use Windows ME , it runs the same
virus check perfectly ; everytime . Does anyone have a solution ?
There must be a fix somewhere . All help greatly appreciated .
I use two computers , both employing Mcafee VirusScan
as their basic line of defense . I have had a recurring
problem which is driving me bonkers .
Both machine are HP and run off the same wireless
modem .
One machine runs Windows ME and the other runs
Windows 98 S/E . This is the machine I am having trouble
with and as much as I would love to switch it to XP ,
it would be cheaper to buy a new machine . Except for
this irritating problem , everything else works fine .
Here is the problem : every time I run the full load of VirusScan
options ( there are 5 ) I very quickly receive the following
error warning - MGHTML . It is preceded by the
windows flag and instructs me to call MS if the problem
persists . I have run VirusScan using only one option at a
time and it always shows no viri or unwanted programs .
I keep both my machines updated with all the patches
MS keeps zinging my way , but none have addressed
this issue .
By the way , when I use Windows ME , it runs the same
virus check perfectly ; everytime . Does anyone have a solution ?
There must be a fix somewhere . All help greatly appreciated .