Help with large texts in excel spreadsheets

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anne
  • Start date Start date


I need to use excel for a report as it contains numerous charts and links etc
but I also need to add a lot of text to support it.
I tried formating the excel cells so that they would hold the text (merge
and wrap)but they could not hold sufficient space for people to type in
directly. I then tried to add a text box, but once the spreadsheet is shared
people cannot type into it.
Has anyone found a solution to this problem?

Do you really need more than 32,767 characters in your cells?

Regarding shared wb's, there are many features that can't be use in these
and that is one major problem with shared wb's: Here's the list of features
and the methods, if any, to work around these limits:

Features that are unavailable in shared workbooks

You can access the following features only if you stop sharing the workbook.

You cannot use shared workbooks (shared workbook: A workbook set up to allow
multiple users on a network to view and make changes at the same time. Each
user who saves the workbook sees the changes made by other users.) on Web

Unavailable feature Alternatives
Create lists (list: A series of rows that contains related data or a series
of rows that you designate to function as a datasheet by using the Create
List command.) None
Work with XML data, including: None

Import, refresh, and export XML data
Add, rename, or delete XML maps
Map cells to XML elements
Use the XML source task pane, XML toolbar, or XML commands on the Data menu

Insert or delete blocks of cells You can insert entire rows and columns.
Delete worksheets None
Merge cells or split merged cells None
Add or change conditional formats Existing conditional formats continue to
appear as cell values change, but you can't change these formats or redefine
the conditions.
Add or change data validation Cells continue to be validated when you type
new values, but you can't change existing data validation settings.
Create or change charts or PivotChart reports You can view existing charts
and reports.
Insert or change pictures or other objects You can view existing pictures
and objects.
Insert or change hyperlinks Existing hyperlinks continue to work.
Use drawing tools You can view existing drawings and graphics.
Assign, change, or remove passwords (password: A way to restrict access to a
workbook, worksheet, or part of a worksheet. Excel passwords can be up to 255
letters, numbers, spaces, and symbols. You must type uppercase and lowercase
letters correctly when you set and enter passwords.) Existing passwords
remain in effect.
Protect or unprotect worksheets or the workbook Existing protection remains
in effect.
Create, change, or view scenarios None
Group or outline data You can continue to use existing outlines.
Insert automatic subtotals You can view existing subtotals.
Create data tables (data table: A range of cells that shows the results of
substituting different values in one or more formulas. There are two types of
data tables: one-input tables and two-input tables.) You can view existing
data tables.
Create or change PivotTable reports You can view existing reports.
Write, record, change, view, or assign macros You can run existing macros
that don't access unavailable features. You can record shared workbook
operations into a macro stored in another nonshared workbook.
Add or change Microsoft Excel 4 dialog sheets None
Change or delete array formulas (array formula: A formula that performs
multiple calculations on one or more sets of values, and then returns either
a single result or multiple results. Array formulas are enclosed between
braces { } and are entered by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.) Existing array
formulas continue to calculate correctly.
Use a data form to add new data You can use a data form to find a record.