I am trying to create a blank invoice for a college assignment. I hav
worked out the sum for QTY multiplied by UNIT PRICE which gives
figure in the TOTAL PRICE and leaves blank if nothing entered but
want to work out a sub total at the bottom of the screen (e.g. D1220
so I can add VAT and have a GRAND TOTAL but I am not sure what the SU
or IF statement will be so any help would be very much appreciated
worked out the sum for QTY multiplied by UNIT PRICE which gives
figure in the TOTAL PRICE and leaves blank if nothing entered but
want to work out a sub total at the bottom of the screen (e.g. D1220
so I can add VAT and have a GRAND TOTAL but I am not sure what the SU
or IF statement will be so any help would be very much appreciated