Help With Input Box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ron
  • Start date Start date


Hello all,
I'm attempting to update a macro that aparently in the past captured this user's ID and I can't get it edited out. I've searched for LOYONNG, but cannot find it anywhere in the code. The closest I've come is code that concatenates the path and file name in an input box and saves the file to C:\mydocuments\LOYONNG.PMI. I thought I may need to release the variable, but after reading that it's not necessary I got confused and thought I should aslthe experts.

When I roll the file out, I would like to have the input box blank.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Here's the part of the code I'm working with.

Sub SaveAllSheets()
Dim Counter2 As Integer
Dim SelSheet As Variant
Dim SelHdrSheet As String
Dim ExportFileName As String
Dim ExportFile As Integer
Dim SaveStatusBar As Boolean
Dim FileNameExists As Boolean
Dim OldStatBar As String
Dim NvsError As String
Dim TotalRows As Long
Dim TotalJrnlHdr As Long
Dim TotalJrnlLn As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
SaveStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar
OldStatBar = Application.StatusBar
NvsError = ""
SheetsExist = 0
ListArray SheetsExist
If SheetsExist = 1 Then
Counter2 = 1

'Prompt the user for the file name
Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").DialogFrame.Caption = GetMsg(Language, 41, 1)
Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").Labels(1).Text = GetMsg(Language, 41, 2)
Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").Labels(2).Text = Application.DefaultFilePath
If Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").EditBoxes("FileName").Text = "" Then
Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").EditBoxes("FileName").Text = Mid(CurWrkBook, 1, InStr(1, CurWrkBook, ".", 1)) & "PMI"
End If
If Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").Show Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Right(Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").EditBoxes("FileName").Text, 1) <> "\" Then
ExportFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath & "\" & Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").EditBoxes("FileName").Text
ExportFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath & Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").EditBoxes("FileName").Text
End If
If Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").OptionButtons("DelimTab").Value = xlOn Then
ExportDelim = Chr(9)
ExportDelim = Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dFileName").EditBoxes("Delimiter").Text
End If
GoTo EndOfSaveAllSheets
End If

If ExportFileName = "" Then
GoTo EndOfSaveAllSheets
End If

FileNameExists = FileExists(ExportFileName)
If FileNameExists Then
' Warning - File already exist
Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dYesNo").DialogFrame.Caption= GetMsg(Language, 41, 1)
Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dYesNo").Labels(1).Text = ExportFileName & GetMsg(Language, 41, 3)
Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dYesNo").Labels(2).Text = GetMsg(Language, 41, 4)
If Workbooks(MacroBook).DialogSheets("dYesNo").Show Then
Kill ExportFileName
GoTo EndOfSaveAllSheets
End If
End If

Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Application.StatusBar = GetMsg(Language, 1, 2)

ExportFile = FreeFile()
Open ExportFileName For Output As ExportFile

Print #ExportFile, "\ID\"
Print #ExportFile, "GL,JOURNAL"
Print #ExportFile, "\DELIMITER\"
Print #ExportFile, ExportDelim

TotalJrnlHdr = 0
TotalJrnlLn = 0

For Each SelSheet In SheetList
SelSheet = SheetList(Counter2)

TotalRows = 0
SelHdrSheet = SelSheet & "_H"
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, _
ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Value = "%,OA"
NvsError = nVsExportSheet(Workbooks(CurWrkBook).Worksheets(SelHdrSheet), ExportFile, False, ExportDelim, TotalRows)
TotalJrnlHdr = TotalJrnlHdr + TotalRows
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, _

TotalRows = 0
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, _
FirstJLine = Workbooks(CurWrkBook).Worksheets(SelSheet).Range("InsertLine").Row
FirstJLine = FirstJLine + 1
ActiveSheet.Cells(FirstJLine, 1).Value = "%,OA"
FormatJournal (SelSheet)
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowFormattingCells:=True, AllowFormattingColumns:=True, _
NvsError = nVsExportSheet(Workbooks(CurWrkBook).Worksheets(SelSheet), ExportFile, True, ExportDelim, TotalRows)
TotalJrnlLn = TotalJrnlLn + TotalRows

Counter2 = Counter2 + 1

Close #ExportFile

' Total of N journals and M lines saved successfully
Title = GetMsg(Language, 96, 1)
Message = GetMsg(Language, 96, 3) & CInt(TotalJrnlHdr) & GetMsg(Language, 96, 4) & CInt(TotalJrnlLn) & GetMsg(Language, 96, 5)
ReturnCd = MsgBox(Message, 64, Title)
'Msg: "No journal entry sheets exist for import."
Title = GetMsg(Language, 96, 1)
Message = GetMsg(Language, 96, 2)
ReturnCd = MsgBox(Message, 64, Title)
End If

Application.StatusBar = GetMsg(Language, 1, 3)
'Application.StatusBar = OldStatBar
Application.DisplayStatusBar = SaveStatusBar
End Sub
You are going to have to make a much better job of asking the question
than this! Absolutely no idea what you want.
Look at 'Application.DefaultFilePath' in your code above. I bet it's
getting LOYONNG from there, perhaps from the way XL was installed on
that machine?
Thank you, I'll look into that line. Thank you for your response an
understanding the problem. Is there a work around to rid the path of
LOYONNG and capture the user of the current computer?
Thanks, Ron