Hi Yogi,
how about this:
IIF(nz([Entry_Time_fieldname]) = 0, "-", [Entry_Time_fieldname])
If this is a continuous form, you will want to put this in the
recordset instead of a calculated control
BUT... since Date/Time is actually stored as a number, a better idea is
to use the Format property of that actual date/time control
format --> h:nn am/pm;h:nn am/pm;-;-
format parts:
1. positive number
2. negative number
3. zero
4. null
Have an awesome day
Warm Regards,
Yogi_Bear_79 wrote:
I have a feild called EntryTime that I would like to evaluate on a
IIF Entry Time = 12:00:00 AM then display "-"
Else Display EntryTime
Can someone help me with some code examples
Crystal, thanks for the response
I entered =IIF(nz([Entry Time]) = 0, "-", [Entry Time])
which returned an error on the report. for every entry including those
not 12:00:00 AM
do you have any other ideas that might help me? I'll keep tryin in the