With your data in say H1:H100, in G1 put the following formula:-
=IF(H1>=0,TRUE,"") and copy down to F100
Now select F1:F100 and do edit / Go To / Special / Formulas (Uncheck all except logicals)
and hit OK.
All the TRUEs should now be selected. Now hit CTRL and the + key and select 'Shift Right'
Now select H1:H100 and do edit / Go To / Special / Formulas (Uncheck all except logicals)
and hit OK.
All the TRUEs should now be selected. Now hit the delete button and you should be done.
Ken....................... Microsoft MVP - Excel
Sys Spec - Win XP Pro / XL2K & XLXP
Attitude - A little thing that makes a BIG difference
JanetParent said:
I am working in Excel 2002 on XP OS. I have a column of numbers in H, some are positive
and some are negative. I would like to move to column I all figures that are positive and
leave all the negative numbers in column H.