Hi Don.
Thanks for your reply.
It was the princip in this formula. The values is not importent.
It could look like this.:
=IF(AND(B17>5; A19=(OR(3;D12;D11;22;10)));"True";"False")
where the values are:
B17 = 10
A19 = 22
D11 = 821
D12 = 102316
insteed of:
=IF(AND(10>5; 10=(OR(3;6;8;22;10)));"True";"False")
It should give back True and not false.
How do I get it to work?
Best regards
TecWizz :
Thanks for your reply.

It was the princip in this formula. The values is not importent.
It could look like this.:
=IF(AND(B17>5; A19=(OR(3;D12;D11;22;10)));"True";"False")
where the values are:
B17 = 10
A19 = 22
D11 = 821
D12 = 102316
insteed of:
=IF(AND(10>5; 10=(OR(3;6;8;22;10)));"True";"False")
It should give back True and not false.
How do I get it to work?
Best regards
TecWizz :