Help with hyperlinks please

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The Man With No Idea

I've created a presentation with lots of maths questions on. What I'd like
to happen is the following:
Correct answer chosen - go to "correct" slide advance to next question
Incorrect answer chosen - go to "incorrect" slide - go back to last question
to retry.

Now, with my lack of expertise I could do this by inserting an "incorrect"
and "correct" slide between each question - thereby tripling the size if the

What I'd like to be able to do is find a way for only one incorrect and one
correct slide to "know" which question the link came from and go on to the
right one - if that makes sense???

Any help greatly appreciated.

Put the "Correct" and "Incorrect" slides at the end of the show and hide
them. Now, set up two Custom Shows (Slide Show--> Custom Show), one for the
correct slide and one for the incorrect slide. Set the hyperlinks to the
shows instead of the slides. When you set the hyperlinks up this way, you
will get an extra option "Show and Return". Activate it by checking the box
for each link.

When you run the show, the appropriate slide will come up. On the next
click, it will close and you will return to the main presentation. Since the
actual slides reside at the end of your presentation, but are hidden, they
will never play except when called via the Custom Show.

Does that do what you need?

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint answers at
Featured Presenter at PPT 2004 - http://www.pptlive/com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived
Kathy's idea is probably your best choice at this stage. You could also put a button on the correct and incorrect slides that is set to link to Last Slide Viewed. When you are ready to get fancier, you might check out the quizzes on my site:

Click on "Examples by Chapter," and look at the many quiz examples in Chapter 7.


David M. Marcovitz
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_
Kathy and David have got your answer, but there are many other ways as well.
I like to use hidden slides right after the question and have the links go
to the correct and "Try Again" slides, with the question and links repeated on the
"Try again" slide together with a hint on how to get the right answer. Put a last slide viewed action button on the 2 hidden slides just in case the student feels
a need to go back to the original.
There is no need to limit yourself to only one "Try again" slide. After making
the first one, you can just copy it and put in different hints for different wrong answers. I also put the complete solution method on the "Correct" slide. It's
very little extra work and you are not killing any trees here.
With this setup the student can just click through if he doesn't want to do
the problem immediately. Or he can just keep on hitting random answers if he
really doesn't know how to do it. If you put the "correct" slide after the
"try again" slides, the students can just click through after the first wrong answer (i.e. by not using the hyperlink answer buttons). If you want to prevent this, just
put the correct slide as the first hidden slide, but then you need to add a link to the next problem or slide that you want them to go to.
I can send you several variants (in PPT 2002) if you want, just ask at
ekmanp at gsb dot ceu dot hu.
What I'd like to be able to do is find a way for only one incorrect and
oneOk folks - thanks for the replies - much appreciated.

I've tried Kathy's solution and I can't get it to work.

Firstly - to stop students just "clicking on" I run the whole thing in Kiosk
mode - which seems to effect the "show and return" feature.

Secondly, "show and return" returns to the slide I just viewed, so it acts
exactly like a link to "last slide viewed". What I want is for the "correct"
slide to return to the "last slide viewed plus one" ie the next question.

Now, although I know I'm not killing a rain forrest, but doesn't putting
"correct" and "try again" slides between every question triple the file

Also, this presentation is to be used with a group in the format of "who
wants to be a millionaire". If the "contestant" gets the question wrong then
we would discuss the solution as a group anyway.

The easiest solution of all is just to move onto the next question if the
person gets it right but that wasn't quite what I wanted.
You are right that the play and return doesn't appear to work in Kiosk mode.
That is because Kiosk mode requires that you have navigation elements or
automatic transitions set up for every slide. However,I have played around
some and found a fairly easy way to do what you want - even in Kiosk mode.
It is a little work and needs PPT 2002 or 23003, but it works. Detailed

To make the Custom Shows work in Kiosk Mode (this works in all versions):
Decide if you want to use a navigation link or a transition to end the
Custom Show. If you want a transition, go to the Transition Task Pane and
check the "Automatically After" box and set a number of seconds for the
screen to wait before changing. (If you set this on without setting up a
transition, it will just move you to the next slide. In the case of your
custom shows, this is the end of the show, so it returns to the calling
slide.) If you prefer to click to return, then add a box over the entire
slide. Set its transparency to 100%. Set up a "On Click" action setting for
Hyperlink - End Show.

To make the Correct slide transition to the current slide + 1 (this is what
requires PPT 2002 or 2003):
Add a box over the whole of the question slide. Set its transparency to
100%. Give it an Entrance animation of Appear. Change the animation to be
triggered by a click sequence. to do this, right click the animation, select
Effect Options. Click the Options tab. At the bottom of the tab, select
"Animate as part of a click sequence", then select the Correct answer box
from the drop down list. OK out of the dialog. Now, right click the full
slide box and select Action Settings. Click the "On Mouse Over" tab. Set it
to be a hyperlink to the next slide. Click OK.

Test this out and let me know if it will do what you need. If you are using
an older version, we will need to come up with another way to do the

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint answers at
Featured Presenter at PPT 2004 - http://www.pptlive/com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived