Help with funny problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter kit2hugh
  • Start date Start date


I have just rebuilt my computeer from a hard drive crash and now on Two
websites and I
open up the website on Camtasia as soon as Click on any part of website it
freezes and comes up not responding on very top bar all I can do is click on
red X and get out.
After uninstalling IE7 and reparing XP and going to the update site checking
for updates was told 3 to be downloaded incl IE7 clicked the install button
and freeze, same proplem. I did get updates from automatic upload fron start
Can any one help. Please E-mail me at (e-mail address removed) if replying by
E-mail Thanks
First, when posting to Newsgroups do not insert your email address to
avoid future bombardments of SPAM. The two URL's (websites) you
are referring to, are incorrect as written, thus the freeze. Suggest
you do a Google search for them for proper URL's. Look for a file named
WUPDMGR.EXE on your harddrive to access the MS Updater. It should be
in the Windows\System 32 directory. You can doublecllick it for Updates.
Good Luck and Happy New Year. :~)