Help with Font Sizes



i have just finished creating a web page using tahoma and size 2 as
the font. There are some sections of the pages with text wrapped
around pictures etc.But when i try and view this on Internet Explorer
where you can alter text sizes my formatting of the text all goes
crooked and the text climbs over pictures or pictures just move
completely out of place.
Please help me find a solution to this and how to make my
formatting/font sizes stick irrespective of the browser settings.
Thanks a lot

Mark Fitzpatrick

Can you post a URL? There isn't much you can do to alter the behavior of how
the text will appear if the user changes the text settings of their browser.
As to why your images are aligned oddly when the text is re-sized could be
due to how the images are placed. Are you using absolute positioning? If so
then that could be part of it since the larger text sizes will alter the
entire text flow, and that will cause things to flow oddly around absolutely
positioned images.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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