I have an Access 97 table that has to be exported to a txt
The birthdate field must be exported as a number
field...with 8 digits (2 for day - 2 for month - 2 for
year)...it is currently saved in the table as a date/time
field...format mm/dd/yyyy.
I know I can format it in a query to change it to
ddmmyy...but I also need to change it then to a number
field...can you just change the type from date/time to
number...or is there another step to perform??
The birthdate field must be exported as a number
field...with 8 digits (2 for day - 2 for month - 2 for
year)...it is currently saved in the table as a date/time
field...format mm/dd/yyyy.
I know I can format it in a query to change it to
ddmmyy...but I also need to change it then to a number
field...can you just change the type from date/time to
number...or is there another step to perform??