Steve Long
there is probably something obvious here that I'm just not seeing but I am
trying to draw an alternating colored line on a picturebox and I, for the
life of me, cannot get the line to show up. I'm using VS 2003.
The size of the picturebox is 320 x 24. I using the following code.
Dim g as Graphics = Picture1.CreateGraphics
For t = 1 To NumTics ' NumTics = 10
If curColor.Equals(mBarColor2) Then
curColor = mBarColor1 ' Black
curColor = mBarColor2 ' Red
End If
XMin = Offset + ((t - 1) * 39)
XMax = Offset + (t * 39)
YMin = Ycen - (Ycen * 0.05) 'Ycen = 12
YMax = Ycen + (Ycen * 0.05)
rect = New Rectangle(XMin, YMin, XMax - XMin, YMax - YMin)
DrawLine(g, curColor, Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid, rect)
Next t
Public Shared Sub DrawLine(ByRef g As Graphics, _
ByVal lineColor As Color, _
ByVal lineStyle As DashStyle, _
ByVal rect As Rectangle)
Dim pn As New Pen(lineColor, rect.Height)
pn.DashStyle = lineStyle
g.DrawLine(pn, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Left + rect.Width, rect.Top +
End Sub
Any help is greatly appreciate as I am just not seeing what the heck I'm
doing wrong.
P.S. The picturebox is on a userControl
there is probably something obvious here that I'm just not seeing but I am
trying to draw an alternating colored line on a picturebox and I, for the
life of me, cannot get the line to show up. I'm using VS 2003.
The size of the picturebox is 320 x 24. I using the following code.
Dim g as Graphics = Picture1.CreateGraphics
For t = 1 To NumTics ' NumTics = 10
If curColor.Equals(mBarColor2) Then
curColor = mBarColor1 ' Black
curColor = mBarColor2 ' Red
End If
XMin = Offset + ((t - 1) * 39)
XMax = Offset + (t * 39)
YMin = Ycen - (Ycen * 0.05) 'Ycen = 12
YMax = Ycen + (Ycen * 0.05)
rect = New Rectangle(XMin, YMin, XMax - XMin, YMax - YMin)
DrawLine(g, curColor, Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid, rect)
Next t
Public Shared Sub DrawLine(ByRef g As Graphics, _
ByVal lineColor As Color, _
ByVal lineStyle As DashStyle, _
ByVal rect As Rectangle)
Dim pn As New Pen(lineColor, rect.Height)
pn.DashStyle = lineStyle
g.DrawLine(pn, rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Left + rect.Width, rect.Top +
End Sub
Any help is greatly appreciate as I am just not seeing what the heck I'm
doing wrong.
P.S. The picturebox is on a userControl