I've got a database that was converted from 95 to 97.
it has a form with many subforms on it.
The subforms hold data from numerous queries based on
parameters entered.
The code to refresh the data is
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70
I'm assumming that the 5 is for refresh but can't find the
list of 95 commands to verify this.
I've converted the queries to oracle passthrus. I can get
the passthrus updated with new parameter info but it seems
that the above code fails to refresh the data in the forms.
I need to close the form to get the passthrus to refresh.
Is there a better way to rewrite the refresh procedure
that will allow the "modified" passthrus to repopulate the
subforms without having to close them?
it has a form with many subforms on it.
The subforms hold data from numerous queries based on
parameters entered.
The code to refresh the data is
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70
I'm assumming that the 5 is for refresh but can't find the
list of 95 commands to verify this.
I've converted the queries to oracle passthrus. I can get
the passthrus updated with new parameter info but it seems
that the above code fails to refresh the data in the forms.
I need to close the form to get the passthrus to refresh.
Is there a better way to rewrite the refresh procedure
that will allow the "modified" passthrus to repopulate the
subforms without having to close them?