Help with DLookup

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I have the following lookup in the 'After Update' event of a field (Order
Line Status)...

Dim TFlag As Variant

TFlag = DLookup("[OrderLineStatusClosed]", "tbl_OrderLineStatus",
"[OrderLineStatus] = " & Forms!frm_OrderLines!OrderLineStatus)

Me.OrderLineClosed = TFlag
Me.OrderLineStatusdate = Now

The intention is to update the field OrderLineStatus (drop down) and then
lookup to a table of Order Line Status's and get the value in the
OrderLineStatusClosed field(boolean) and push this into a field on the form,
so the record is set to open or closed as nessecary

With the above I am getting the error message...
'Syntax Error (missing operator) in query expresion '[OrderLineStatus]
= Open'

where Open is th value in the OrderLineStatus field

What am I doing wrong?
It sounds as though OrderLineStatus is a text field. If that's the case, you
need quotes around the value you're using:

"[OrderLineStatus] = """ & Forms!frm_OrderLines!OrderLineStatus & """")


"[OrderLineStatus] = '" & Forms!frm_OrderLines!OrderLineStatus & "'")

Exagerated for clarity, the second option is

"[OrderLineStatus] = ' " & Forms!frm_OrderLines!OrderLineStatus & " ' ")