itsme said:
Did you have any discs supplied?
Got one disc called dell inspiron and xps system software.
Try this :
Just comes up with opition to test the pc.
Saved the log from dell:
1. Restart your system.
2. When the Dell screen appears press and hold the Ctrl key on the keyboard and simultaneously press the F11 key. Then release them both at the same time
The Dell PC Restore by Symantec window appears.
3. Click the Restore button or press the Tab key to highlight Restore and press the Enter key. [A caution message appears advising that all data will be lost.]
13:13:01 Sumith_Rodrigues 4. Click the Confirm button or press the Tab key to highlight Confirm and press the Enter key.
The Progress window appears. Once the process is begun, Dell PC Restore usually takes only 8 to 10 minutes to complete.
When the restore is complete, the message The system recovery process was successful appears.
5. Click the Finish button or press the Tab key to highlight Finish and press the Enter key. The computer will restart.
try all this and nothing still.
How do you press ctrl and f11.
Both at the same time.
I was told by alot of people this must be done at the right time.