I want to calculate aging for the number of bug reports
that have not been closed. The final report would look
something like this:
0-7 Days 8-14 Days 15-21 Days Etc...
Bugs open 2 10 15
The criteria is DateClosed is Null.
I've managed to get the number of days for each BugID
FIELD: Days Open: DateDiff("d",[DateOpened],Date())
Table: BugLog
TOTAL: Expression
I can't figure out how to get the record counts (2, 10,
15, Etc.) for each Bug Aging category (0-7, 8-14,...) I
FIELD: 0-7 Days
ays Open
TOTAL: Count
and something alltogether differnt using a sample for Date
()-nnn in Access Help:
Field: 0-7 Days: DateOpened
Table: BugLog
Total: Count
Criteria: Date()-7 AND Is Null[DateClosed], which didn't
give any errors but also did not give any results.
Help anyone?
that have not been closed. The final report would look
something like this:
0-7 Days 8-14 Days 15-21 Days Etc...
Bugs open 2 10 15
The criteria is DateClosed is Null.
I've managed to get the number of days for each BugID
FIELD: Days Open: DateDiff("d",[DateOpened],Date())
Table: BugLog
TOTAL: Expression
I can't figure out how to get the record counts (2, 10,
15, Etc.) for each Bug Aging category (0-7, 8-14,...) I
FIELD: 0-7 Days

TOTAL: Count
and something alltogether differnt using a sample for Date
()-nnn in Access Help:
Field: 0-7 Days: DateOpened
Table: BugLog
Total: Count
Criteria: Date()-7 AND Is Null[DateClosed], which didn't
give any errors but also did not give any results.
Help anyone?