John G
I've hit a brick wall, trying to get my web application to do what I want and hope someone can help.
I have an SQL database which records financials for our company. A subset of the database looks as follows:
ID ---- TradingDate ---- Loaded ---- AccountCode ---- ItemCode ---- Value
1 --- 15/09/2004 --- 29/09/2004 --- 100710 ------ Sports Bar --- 500.50
2 --- 15/09/2004 --- 29/09/2004 --- 100720 ------ Beach Bar ---- 300.60
3 --- 15/09/2004 --- 29/09/2004 --- 100750 ------ Liqour Barn -- 1050.00
10 --- 15/09/2004 --- 29/09/2004 --- 100800 ------ Gaming ---- 3000.00
11 --- 13/09/2004 --- 30/09/2004 --- 100710 ------ Sports Bar ---- 600.30
12 --- 13/09/2004 --- 30/09/2004 --- 100720 ------ Beach Bar ---- 400.00
What I am trying to do is extract a weeks worth of financials (value field in database) and populate a daily page for each of our departments (ItemCodes). Eg. Someone will pick Week Ending September 20 and Totals for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.... will be extracted and displayed on a web page. My initial thought was to create individual dataviews for each department and then filter based on date (see code below) but there must be an easier way??
Dim SportsBarDV As DataView
SportsBarDV = New DataView(DS.Tables("tblCincOutletData"))
SportsBarDV.RowFilter = "ItemCode='Sports Bar'"
SportsBarDV.RowFilter = "TradingDate >= '" & DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -7, WDate) & "' AND TradingDate < '" & DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -6, WDate) & "'"
DailySportsRev.Text = CDec(((SportsBarDV(0)("Value"))) / 1.1).ToString("c0")
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I've hit a brick wall, trying to get my web application to do what I want and hope someone can help.
I have an SQL database which records financials for our company. A subset of the database looks as follows:
ID ---- TradingDate ---- Loaded ---- AccountCode ---- ItemCode ---- Value
1 --- 15/09/2004 --- 29/09/2004 --- 100710 ------ Sports Bar --- 500.50
2 --- 15/09/2004 --- 29/09/2004 --- 100720 ------ Beach Bar ---- 300.60
3 --- 15/09/2004 --- 29/09/2004 --- 100750 ------ Liqour Barn -- 1050.00
10 --- 15/09/2004 --- 29/09/2004 --- 100800 ------ Gaming ---- 3000.00
11 --- 13/09/2004 --- 30/09/2004 --- 100710 ------ Sports Bar ---- 600.30
12 --- 13/09/2004 --- 30/09/2004 --- 100720 ------ Beach Bar ---- 400.00
What I am trying to do is extract a weeks worth of financials (value field in database) and populate a daily page for each of our departments (ItemCodes). Eg. Someone will pick Week Ending September 20 and Totals for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.... will be extracted and displayed on a web page. My initial thought was to create individual dataviews for each department and then filter based on date (see code below) but there must be an easier way??
Dim SportsBarDV As DataView
SportsBarDV = New DataView(DS.Tables("tblCincOutletData"))
SportsBarDV.RowFilter = "ItemCode='Sports Bar'"
SportsBarDV.RowFilter = "TradingDate >= '" & DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -7, WDate) & "' AND TradingDate < '" & DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -6, WDate) & "'"
DailySportsRev.Text = CDec(((SportsBarDV(0)("Value"))) / 1.1).ToString("c0")
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