Rob Panosh
Could somebody please assist me in converting the following C#.Net code to
VB.Net code?
private static extern short SQLAllocHandle(short hType, IntPtr inputHandle,
out IntPtr outputHandle);
private static extern short SQLSetEnvAttr(IntPtr henv, int attribute, IntPtr
valuePtr, int strLength);
private static extern short SQLFreeHandle(short hType, IntPtr handle);
private static extern short SQLBrowseConnect(IntPtr hconn, StringBuilder
inString, short inStringLength, StringBuilder outString, short
outStringLength,out short outLengthNeeded);
Rob Panosh
VB.Net code?
private static extern short SQLAllocHandle(short hType, IntPtr inputHandle,
out IntPtr outputHandle);
private static extern short SQLSetEnvAttr(IntPtr henv, int attribute, IntPtr
valuePtr, int strLength);
private static extern short SQLFreeHandle(short hType, IntPtr handle);
private static extern short SQLBrowseConnect(IntPtr hconn, StringBuilder
inString, short inStringLength, StringBuilder outString, short
outStringLength,out short outLengthNeeded);
Rob Panosh