Help with contact list



I need two contact list's. One for personal and one for business. I set up
a new contact group but now I have the information in my new group (mailing
list) AND in my main contact list. Please help me my business is getting
behind fast!!


What will this upgrade change? I worry when I have to change things around!
Is there a charge to upgrade?

Gary VanderMolen

WLM is free.
It will automatically import your Windows Mail accounts, settings,
and saved email. You may have to tell it to import your contacts,
but that is easily done. If after trying it out, you decide you don't
like it, uninstalling it will automatically bring Windows Mail back.

Gary VanderMolen


Is there a way to change the Live Window's screen from three seperate screens
down to two screens? Also this WILL give me two seperate contact files
without the same contacts in each file? Right? One more thing on this new
one can two people (my daughter & I) have our own emails. I could never
figure it out on the other!

Thank you so much!!

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

RDaniels said:
What will this upgrade change? I worry when I have to change things
Is there a charge to upgrade?
It's not an upgrade, it's a different program.
You won't be able to customize the toolbar.

Gary VanderMolen

Frank Saunders said:
It's not an upgrade, it's a different program.
You won't be able to customize the toolbar.

The new version of WLM released today has a customizable toolbar.

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