help with command button

  • Thread starter Thread starter Walter
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to open a subform with a command button on the
main form. I used the wizard to get the open form code.
I then edited the code to link the forms with the common
field. What I have is this:
Private Sub cmdPlantingDetails_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPlantingDetails_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmPlantingDetails"
stLinkCriteria = "PlantingID=" & Me.PlantingID

'DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPlantingDetails", , , "PlantingID
=" & Me!PlantingID

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdPlantingDetails_Click

End Sub

After DoCmd.OpenForm(stDocName,,,stLinkCriteria)
I get an error message saying "expected =".
When I add the "= " the prompt comes up showing OpenForm
help highlighting "form name" at the beginning. I
commented the 5 lines after "On Error Go To" and added
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPlantingDetails", , , "PlantingID =" &
Me!PlantingID (this is commented now). This opened the
subform but didn't link the two forms.
The main form is named "frmPlantings" with "PlantingID" as
the primary key. The subform is
named "frmPlantingDetails" with "PlantingID" field as the
foreign key. I am sure this is something simple that I am
missing but I haven't been able to figure it out. Any
help is appreciated greatly.
'DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPlantingDetails", , , "PlantingID
=" & Me!PlantingID

Is that an actual ' before the DoCmd.... function? If
that's actually there, you may want to take that out.
Yes that is "'" which "comments" the line. When
I "uncomment" it the form opens but does not bring in the
PlantingID data. I have verified the relationship between
the two tables which is "one to many".