Help with combining 2 seperate Worksheet Change Event scripts

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I have 2 seperate Worksheet Change Event scripts that I would like to
combine to use in one woeksheet and I'm sure how to do. I am kind of new to

The first script is for hiding columns based on a value selected in picklist.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 'SalesAid Software
If Target.Address <> Range("L2").Address Then Exit Sub
'MsgBox Month(Target)
If Target = "All" Then
Range("N:BV").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
lastcol = Cells(6, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
mr = Range("L2")
'MsgBox mr
ff = mr - Weekday(mr - 6) + 7
'MsgBox ff
fc = Application.Match(CLng(ff), Rows("6:6"), 0)
'MsgBox fc

lf = DateSerial(Year(mr), Month(mr) + 3, 1) -
Weekday(DateSerial(Year(mr), Month(mr) + 3, 2))
'MsgBox lf
lc = Application.Match(CLng(lf), Rows("6:6"))
'MsgBox lc

Columns(14).Resize(, lastcol).Hidden = True
Range(Cells(6, fc), Cells(6, lc)).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End If

End Sub

Sub SAS_UnhideAllColumns()
Columns.Hidden = False
End Sub

The second script is for copying values to a range left of a cell being input.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("L7:BL206")) Is Nothing Then Exit
On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("K" & Target.Row, Target).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Value =
Application.EnableEvents = True
On Error Goto 0
End Sub

Thank you in advance for your help.
See if this Change event code works for you (note that this replaces
**only** the two Change event procedures you posted and not anything else,
including the SAS_UnhideAllColumns subroutine that you also posted for some

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("L7:BL206")) Is Nothing Then
On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("K" & Target.Row, Target).SpecialCells( _
xlCellTypeBlanks).Value = Target.Value
Application.EnableEvents = True
On Error GoTo 0
ElseIf Target.Address = Range("L2").Address Then
'MsgBox Month(Target)
If Target = "All" Then
Range("N:BV").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
lastcol = Cells(6, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
mr = Range("L2")
'MsgBox mr
ff = mr - Weekday(mr - 6) + 7
'MsgBox ff
fc = Application.Match(CLng(ff), Rows("6:6"), 0)
'MsgBox fc

lf = DateSerial(Year(mr), Month(mr) + 3, 1) - Weekday( _
DateSerial(Year(mr), Month(mr) + 3, 2))
'MsgBox lf
lc = Application.Match(CLng(lf), Rows("6:6"))
'MsgBox lc

Columns(14).Resize(, lastcol).Hidden = True
Range(Cells(6, fc), Cells(6, lc)).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Thanks Rick! That did the trick!

Rick Rothstein said:
See if this Change event code works for you (note that this replaces
**only** the two Change event procedures you posted and not anything else,
including the SAS_UnhideAllColumns subroutine that you also posted for some

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("L7:BL206")) Is Nothing Then
On Error Resume Next
Application.EnableEvents = False
Range("K" & Target.Row, Target).SpecialCells( _
xlCellTypeBlanks).Value = Target.Value
Application.EnableEvents = True
On Error GoTo 0
ElseIf Target.Address = Range("L2").Address Then
'MsgBox Month(Target)
If Target = "All" Then
Range("N:BV").EntireColumn.Hidden = False
lastcol = Cells(6, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
mr = Range("L2")
'MsgBox mr
ff = mr - Weekday(mr - 6) + 7
'MsgBox ff
fc = Application.Match(CLng(ff), Rows("6:6"), 0)
'MsgBox fc

lf = DateSerial(Year(mr), Month(mr) + 3, 1) - Weekday( _
DateSerial(Year(mr), Month(mr) + 3, 2))
'MsgBox lf
lc = Application.Match(CLng(lf), Rows("6:6"))
'MsgBox lc

Columns(14).Resize(, lastcol).Hidden = True
Range(Cells(6, fc), Cells(6, lc)).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End If
End If
End Sub

Rick (MVP - Excel)
