Simple question that looks like it would lead to an entire seminar.
Suggestion. Run out right now and get a copy of John Walkenbach's 'Power
Programming with VBA'. You can also get it at his website...
I've got his 'Excel 2002 Power Programming with VBA' but there is a 2003
edition out. While there are other more complete books out there, IMHO,
John is the best at teaching how to use VBA.
Your question can be broken into 3 parts.
1) Get the directory (Page 369 of the 2002 edition)
2) Get the file names (Page 769 of the 2002 edition)
3) Put the names into a listbox or combobox (Page 423 of the 2002 edition)
The reason I am giving you this type of help is that I believe you need to
learn how to fish instead of having someone hand you a meal. Your question
was very broad and open-ended. If you have more specific questions about
the above 3 steps, we are always here for you.
And now you have an idea as to where to start.
Good luck.
Gary brown