In ExcelXP this sumif formula is not working and so I thought to try
and change it to a sumproduct but I have been un-successful in several
attempts to reconstruct it :-( The issue is the sunif will not sum
the values in more than one column as in I need the values in columns
N and O summed and the values in columns R and S summed.
=(SUMIF('PIP '!$A$9:$A$150,"Jan",'PIP '!$N$9:$O$150))/(SUMIF('PIP '!
$A$9:$A$150,"Jan",'PIP '!$R$9:$S$150))
In ExcelXP this sumif formula is not working and so I thought to try
and change it to a sumproduct but I have been un-successful in several
attempts to reconstruct it :-( The issue is the sunif will not sum
the values in more than one column as in I need the values in columns
N and O summed and the values in columns R and S summed.
=(SUMIF('PIP '!$A$9:$A$150,"Jan",'PIP '!$N$9:$O$150))/(SUMIF('PIP '!
$A$9:$A$150,"Jan",'PIP '!$R$9:$S$150))