Robert Pitchford
I am trying to program my main form to display a warning
message. That when a new record is created, will search
another table to see if the same type of record was
created less than 24 hours ago.
i.e.) Hertz uses Access 2000 as a ticketing system to
track trouble throughout their global network. When a new
ticket is created. I would like to see how i would go
about checking whether a previous ticket has been
opened/closed within a 24 hour time frame.
I am stuck on how to approach the calculation of the 2
dates to see if the closed ticket is less than 24 hours
older than the new ticket.
Can anyone help me?
message. That when a new record is created, will search
another table to see if the same type of record was
created less than 24 hours ago.
i.e.) Hertz uses Access 2000 as a ticketing system to
track trouble throughout their global network. When a new
ticket is created. I would like to see how i would go
about checking whether a previous ticket has been
opened/closed within a 24 hour time frame.
I am stuck on how to approach the calculation of the 2
dates to see if the closed ticket is less than 24 hours
older than the new ticket.
Can anyone help me?