John Brown
Yes, first time flasher..keen not to make error ...been studying Users
Manual, Abit web pages etc...
thought I'd done all necessary but flashing not carried out. Not sure why
Would be glad of any advice...here's the story:-
Its an ABIT NF7-S v2.0 Motherboard and am trying to flash the BIOS.
Managed to make a bootable floppy onto which included the two files as
required -
the BIOS Flash Utility AWDFLASH.EXE and the BIOS binary file NF7D_27.BIN
Started from the A drive and inserted as recommended as per:-
A:\>AWDFLASH NF7D_27.BIN /cc /cd /cp /py /sn /cks /r_
Expected that would do the trick...but what I got was the following
display...which I don't really understand what it means nor what to do now

AWDFLASH V8 .23K (03/21) (C) Phoenix Technologies Ltd. 2003 All Rights
Usage: AWDFLASH [FileName1] [FileName2] [/<sw>[/<sw>....]]
FileName1 : New Bios Name For Flash Programming
FileName2 :BIOS File For Backing-up the Original BIOS
<Switches> ?: Show Help Messages
py : Program Flash Memory pn: No Flash Programming
sy : Backup Original BIOS To Disc File sn: No Original BIOS Backup
Sb : Skip BootBlock programming Wb: Always Programming BooBlock
cd : Clear DMI Data After Programming cc: Clear CMOS Data After Programming
cp : Clear PnP(ESCD) Data After Programming
LD : Destroy CMOS Checksum And No System Halt For First Reboot After
Programming Tiny:Occupy Lesser Memory
Q1 : Qualify flash part number with source file
E :Return to DOS After Programming R: RESET System After Programming
F :Use Flash Routines In Original BIOS For Flash Programming
cks : Show update Binfile Checksum cksXXXX: Compare Binfile Checksum with
Support nForce Input MAC,GUID Function , with "/wb" to update MAC and GUID
Example: AWDFLASH 6A69R000.bin /py/sn/nvmac :xxxxxxxxxxxx/wb
Manual, Abit web pages etc...
thought I'd done all necessary but flashing not carried out. Not sure why
Would be glad of any advice...here's the story:-
Its an ABIT NF7-S v2.0 Motherboard and am trying to flash the BIOS.
Managed to make a bootable floppy onto which included the two files as
required -
the BIOS Flash Utility AWDFLASH.EXE and the BIOS binary file NF7D_27.BIN
Started from the A drive and inserted as recommended as per:-
A:\>AWDFLASH NF7D_27.BIN /cc /cd /cp /py /sn /cks /r_
Expected that would do the trick...but what I got was the following
display...which I don't really understand what it means nor what to do now

AWDFLASH V8 .23K (03/21) (C) Phoenix Technologies Ltd. 2003 All Rights
Usage: AWDFLASH [FileName1] [FileName2] [/<sw>[/<sw>....]]
FileName1 : New Bios Name For Flash Programming
FileName2 :BIOS File For Backing-up the Original BIOS
<Switches> ?: Show Help Messages
py : Program Flash Memory pn: No Flash Programming
sy : Backup Original BIOS To Disc File sn: No Original BIOS Backup
Sb : Skip BootBlock programming Wb: Always Programming BooBlock
cd : Clear DMI Data After Programming cc: Clear CMOS Data After Programming
cp : Clear PnP(ESCD) Data After Programming
LD : Destroy CMOS Checksum And No System Halt For First Reboot After
Programming Tiny:Occupy Lesser Memory
Q1 : Qualify flash part number with source file
E :Return to DOS After Programming R: RESET System After Programming
F :Use Flash Routines In Original BIOS For Flash Programming
cks : Show update Binfile Checksum cksXXXX: Compare Binfile Checksum with
Support nForce Input MAC,GUID Function , with "/wb" to update MAC and GUID
Example: AWDFLASH 6A69R000.bin /py/sn/nvmac :xxxxxxxxxxxx/wb