I have a report that is functioning well. Data is gathered for the report
through an event procedure. Now it selects data by a Month number "1" for
January info. I would like this to be changed to a specific date. Like
1/9/2008 so I can have more than one years info in the same database or
gather data for a specific date in the same month. I did not design this
database nor am I a desinger. Thanks for your input. The event procedure is
copied below
Dim gPageTotal As Currency
Dim gCount As Integer
Dim gTheDate As Integer
Dim gWarrentDate As String
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
gPageTotal = gPageTotal + Amount
Me!Text42 = gCount
gCount = gCount + 1
If gCount > 20 Then
Me!PageBreak44.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PageFooterSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
Me!Text27 = Me!Text25
Me!Text40 = gPageTotal
Me!warrentxt = gWarrentDate
End Sub
Private Sub PageHeaderSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
Me!PageBreak44.Visible = False
gCount = 1
gPageTotal = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strSql As String
'Get user input
gTheMonth = InputBox("Enter a number for the month:", "Which Month?")
gWarrentDate = InputBox("What is the warrent date:", "Warrent Date?")
'Verify user input
'Build the select statement and set it as the new record source
strSql = "SELECT Vouchers.Line, Vouchers.Number, Vouchers.Date,
VENDLIST.Payee, Vouchers.Amount "
strSql = strSql + "FROM VENDLIST INNER JOIN Vouchers ON VENDLIST.Vendno
= Vouchers.Vendno "
strSql = strSql + "WHERE (((Vouchers.Date) Like """ +
FormatNumber(gTheMonth, 0)
strSql = strSql + "/*/*"")) ORDER BY Vouchers.Number;"
Me.RecordSource = strSql
'MsgBox (strSql)
End Sub
through an event procedure. Now it selects data by a Month number "1" for
January info. I would like this to be changed to a specific date. Like
1/9/2008 so I can have more than one years info in the same database or
gather data for a specific date in the same month. I did not design this
database nor am I a desinger. Thanks for your input. The event procedure is
copied below
Dim gPageTotal As Currency
Dim gCount As Integer
Dim gTheDate As Integer
Dim gWarrentDate As String
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
gPageTotal = gPageTotal + Amount
Me!Text42 = gCount
gCount = gCount + 1
If gCount > 20 Then
Me!PageBreak44.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PageFooterSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
Me!Text27 = Me!Text25
Me!Text40 = gPageTotal
Me!warrentxt = gWarrentDate
End Sub
Private Sub PageHeaderSection_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
Me!PageBreak44.Visible = False
gCount = 1
gPageTotal = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strSql As String
'Get user input
gTheMonth = InputBox("Enter a number for the month:", "Which Month?")
gWarrentDate = InputBox("What is the warrent date:", "Warrent Date?")
'Verify user input
'Build the select statement and set it as the new record source
strSql = "SELECT Vouchers.Line, Vouchers.Number, Vouchers.Date,
VENDLIST.Payee, Vouchers.Amount "
strSql = strSql + "FROM VENDLIST INNER JOIN Vouchers ON VENDLIST.Vendno
= Vouchers.Vendno "
strSql = strSql + "WHERE (((Vouchers.Date) Like """ +
FormatNumber(gTheMonth, 0)
strSql = strSql + "/*/*"")) ORDER BY Vouchers.Number;"
Me.RecordSource = strSql
'MsgBox (strSql)
End Sub