My new setup ran great for 10 days. Today I bootup and get a blue
screen saying I have hardware including a duaghter board that's not
supported. Windows has been stopped to prevent damage. I've changed
nothing in 10 days. Reboot and I have no CD-ROMS, All hard drives are
running in DOS compatability mode and it rus like a DOG. Two
exclamation marks next to the two drive contollers, I'm sure one for
the DVD anf the other the Plextor burner. Delete reboot, reinstalls
same thing. Get new drivers from ASUS, keeps reinstalling the old
ones. Any help greatly appreciated.
256 3200 Corsair RAM
2100+ OC to 2700+
CPU 38C max, mobo 30C max.
Antec Full tower 400W PS
Using onboard Sound and Ethernet.
BIOS 1003
When your PC gives a little they give alot.
screen saying I have hardware including a duaghter board that's not
supported. Windows has been stopped to prevent damage. I've changed
nothing in 10 days. Reboot and I have no CD-ROMS, All hard drives are
running in DOS compatability mode and it rus like a DOG. Two
exclamation marks next to the two drive contollers, I'm sure one for
the DVD anf the other the Plextor burner. Delete reboot, reinstalls
same thing. Get new drivers from ASUS, keeps reinstalling the old
ones. Any help greatly appreciated.
256 3200 Corsair RAM
2100+ OC to 2700+
CPU 38C max, mobo 30C max.
Antec Full tower 400W PS
Using onboard Sound and Ethernet.
BIOS 1003
When your PC gives a little they give alot.