Help with a sumif formula

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Would anybody be able to help me with the following problem.

For myEngTotal.Formula I want to use a sumif - with the first part of
the range being an absolute range and the sum range being relative. The
criteria I want to use is "total". I can't seem to get the syntax right
on this.

Can anybody help?

Thanks much in advance,

Dim myEngRange As Range
Dim myEngTotal As Range
Set myEngRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Set myEngTotal = myEngRange.Offset(myEngRange.Rows.Count).Rows(1)
myEngTotal.Cells(1) = myEngRange.Columns(1).Address
myEngTotal.Cells(1) = myEngRange.Columns(1).Address(False, False)
myEngTotal.Formula = "=sum( " &
myEngRange.Columns(1).Address(False, False) & ")"
I don;t think I'm really understanding your question fully, but does the
following help get you started?

Dim myEngRange As Range
Dim myEngTotal As Range
Set myEngRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange
Set myEngTotal = myEngRange.Offset(myEngRange.Rows.Count).Rows(1)
myEngTotal.Formula = "=sumif(" & myEngRange.Resize(, 1).Address(False,
True) _
& ",""Total""," & myEngRange.Columns(1).Address(False, False) & ")"