Help with a multi if then else formula.

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I have the following scenario for which I would require one formula which
would be in cell E25:-

A numerical weight amount is input in cell A25.

If the weight is between greater than 1 and less than 41 KG, the user will
manually select a particular price, and therefore “Normal Price†to appear in
B25 and “1†to appear in B26. A formula should be inserted in B27 which is

If the weight entered is greater than 40 and less then 101 KG, the user will
manually select an additional pricing and therefore “41 - 100 Price†to
appear in C25, “Normal Price†to appear in B25, B26 to contain “1†and the
result of the weight entered in A25 minus 40 to appear in C26. A formula
should be inserted in B27 which is B25*B26. Formula in C27 which is C25*C26.

If the weight enterer is greater than 101 KG, the user will manually select
an additional pricing and therefore “100+ Price†to appear in D25, “41 - 100
Price†to appear in C25, “Normal Price†to appear in B25. B26 should be set
to “1â€, C26 to “60†and D26 to A25-100. A formula should be inserted in B27
which is B25*B26. Formula in C27 which is C25*C26. Formula in D27 which is

Once the appropriate values have been calculated in rows B26 to D26, the
User will enter numerics in B25 to D25. Lastly a formula in E27 to add
together B27+C27+D27


Weight > 1 and < 41 example:-

A25 = 40

B25 = Normal Price
B26 = 1

Weight > 40 and < 101 example:-

A25 = 99

C25 = 41 - 100 Price
B25 = Normal Price

C26 = 59
B26 = 1

Weight > 101 example:-

A25 = 215

D25 = 100+ Price
C25 = 41 - 100 Price
B25 = Normal Price

D26 = 115
C26 = 60
B26 = 1

Any assistance offered would be appreciated.
One thought to help you along ...

Think you could try something like this to grab the labels (vlookup)
Eg in B25:
=IF(A25="","",VLOOKUP(A25,{1,"Normal Price";41,"41-100 Price";101,"100+

p/s: To make your post attractive to answer, stick to 1 question per post


Firstly, many thanks for taking the time to answer the question.

Unfortunately, your solution does not answer my original question and my
Excel expertise is novice.

I may seem that I asked multiple questions, but I am sure that the above can
be achieved by the use of nested If Then Else statements.

I will endeavourer to plod on using manual procedures.

Once again thank you.

I re-looked at your numerical example
Try this set-up, it seems to return what you seek

In B25: =IF(A25<1,"","Normal Price")
In B26: =IF(B25="","",1)

In C25: =IF(A25<41,"","41-100 Price")
In C26: =IF(A25<41,"",IF(A25>100,60,A25-40))

In D25: =IF(A25<101,"","100+ Price")
In D26: =IF(A25<101,"",A25-100)

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Once again thank you for your time in assisting me.

What you have provided is perfect.
