help with a formula

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ben
  • Start date Start date


I have two work sheets. The first contains a list of clients while the second
records data on each occation we have a contact with our client. I want to
extract data from the second sheet that reflects the most recent entry. It
look like this:

Sheet 1
Client Ref First
Number Number Name Last Name
1 654 Sam Fisher
2 123 Sam Jones
3 688 Harry Smith
4 478 John Johanson

Sheet 2
Voucher Client Centre First Last
Issued Number Ref Name Name
15/08/08 1 654 Sam Fisher
15/08/09 1 654 Sam Fisher
15/08/09 3 688 Harry Smith
15/08/09 4 478 John Johanson
15/08/09 5 987 Laurey Dessmond

As you can see client #1 has an entry on 15/8/08 and 15/08/09.
I need a formula that can return the latest date into a cell in sheet 1.

Is this possible? Please help.

One way
Assuming client num is unique, and dates in Sheet2 are real dates
In Sheet1,
In E2, array-entered, ie press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to confirm the formula:
Copy down.

Real dates are numbers, increasing chronologically. Hence the latest date
for any particular client num would simply be its largest associated "date"
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Put this array* formula in E3 of Sheet1:


I've assumed you have data in rows 3 to 300 - change as required to
suit your data. Format the cell as a date, then copy down as far as

* An array formula must be committed using the key combination of Ctrl-
Shift-Enter (CSE) instead of the usual <enter>. If you do ths
correctly then Excel will wrap curly braces { } around the formula
when viewed in the formula bar - do not type these yourself. If you
need to amend the formula you have to use CSE again.

Hope this helps.
