Help with a formula

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lynn
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I am new to Excel. Using Excel 2003. Need help with the following formula:
Cell I43
What I do know is that this is a circular reference. It is showing a value
of 535. The value I hoped to see was 518 (I manually did the math). Here is
the referenced cells and values:
Cell E16=10 I16=10 M16=0
Cell B40=no B42=10% B43=0% B44=7.75%
Is there another way to write this formula? Any help or suggestions will be
appreciated. Thanks

Am sure there is a diff way to write the same formula.
But assuming you want the same formula to work, why dont you try this out?
1) Tools->Options->Calculation tab-> Checkbox Iterations. (leave the deaults
as is)
Perhaps that will get the right answer?
Tausif: Thank you for the quick response. Sadly, I already have Iterations
checked with the default. That is how the value 535 came up. I tried lowering
the first box (max?) to 2 and was able to get the 518. however it would not
stay (would go back to 535. Does this make sense?
Tausif: Thank you for the quick response. Sadly, I already have Iterations
checked with the default. That is how the value 535 came up. I tried lowering
the first box (max?) to 2 and was able to get the 518. however it would not
stay (would go back to 535. Does this make sense?

The value of I43 that fulfills the equation is not 518, it is 534.9544
(or 440/0.8225)

I don't get it. Are you typing this formula into cell I43? Of course it is a
circular reference since you used I43 three times within the formula. A cell
cannot refer to itself. Either put this formula in a different cell or change
I43 within the formula to whatever it should be referring to.