Vista Ultimate - 64 bit
In one of my folders, I have an extensive sub- folder tree which I'd like to
print out as a Word file. Here's what I've done:
1. I click Start | Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt
2. Using the CD command, I get to the head folder of the desire sub-folder
3. If I then run the command "Tree", the sub-folder tree scrolls by quickly
in the desired format - i.e., like a genealogy chart, with lines connecting
the various levels.
But if I try to pipe the output to a text or Word file using the command
tree>tree.txt or tree>.tree.doc, I get the tree.
But the nice lines linking the various levels are replaced by a sequence of
bogus characters.
The maddening thing is that I was earlier able to get the nice chart into a
Word document. But I neglected to record the steps, and can't reproduce
Suggestions welcome.
In one of my folders, I have an extensive sub- folder tree which I'd like to
print out as a Word file. Here's what I've done:
1. I click Start | Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt
2. Using the CD command, I get to the head folder of the desire sub-folder
3. If I then run the command "Tree", the sub-folder tree scrolls by quickly
in the desired format - i.e., like a genealogy chart, with lines connecting
the various levels.
But if I try to pipe the output to a text or Word file using the command
tree>tree.txt or tree>.tree.doc, I get the tree.
But the nice lines linking the various levels are replaced by a sequence of
bogus characters.
The maddening thing is that I was earlier able to get the nice chart into a
Word document. But I neglected to record the steps, and can't reproduce
Suggestions welcome.