Help with 3M MicroTouch drivers

Jun 22, 2007
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If anybody would be able to assist me with this, it'd be greatly appreciatet.

The system is a ARK 3381, and am using a touchscreen via one of the com ports.

Have tried:
Intalling the MT7 Touch drivers, from 2 different sites and with 2 different results.
It builds fine, no warnings no errors.

On the first install it went through the FBA with no complications.
The touch driver didn't work, nor did it show up in device manager and the controlpanel utility did not show anything about having found the device either, and if I try to run any of the programs in the program directy it will just tell me the device driver isn't found.
On second install with the driver from 3M's site using the install utility, then importing the files to the component database and then building, so far no errors. On the FBA though it tells me that TwMonitor.exe isn't found.
And when finally booted up, there is no luck getting it to work of course.

Have also tried using inctrl5 to register all changes (on a xp prof though, not xpe)and then manually add those changes to a XPE installation. Here I get the device to show up in device manager, and I can get into the utility with no errors, I can even calibrate the panel, but as soon as the calibration is done I get no response from the touch screen.

I've battled with this for so long now I've nearly pulled out all the hairs from my head.

Plz help... someone?